Chapter 4 Reunion

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"He's back!"

Mowgli, Jade, and Brute all look to the side and a young girl distances away was pointing towards Mowgli's direction. "Uh Mowgli, who's back and do you know the girl that's shouting," asks Jade leaning into him.
"I am back, and the person shouting is my friend Shanti." "Shanti," questions Brute. The girl whom he calls Shanti starts to run off the opposite direction from them.
"C'mon, I'll let you meet her." Mowgli runs after the girl with a smile on his face. Jade looks at Brute and shrugs before going after her twin. Brute does the same.

Mowgli P. O. V.
"Hi Papa, hi Mama!"

"Mowgli," they yell out in excitement and joy. "We missed you so much."

"I missed you too," I told them as they give me a bear hug. "MOWGLI!" I turn to the sound of the familiar voice.

"Ranjan! Hey, what's up little buddy." Ranjan jumps into my arms.

"Hi Mowgli, why did you leave for the jungle? I missed you sooo much." Before I could answer, I heard Shanti's voice. "Hey Mowgli, I missed you as well. Where did you go," she asks.

"Not far, and I missed you guys too," I answer smiling at her. I look to the side and see Jade awkwardly rubbing her arm and Brute standing next to her with hands in his pockets. I turn back facing Shanti and Ranjan. "Hey you guys, I want you to meet some people." I gesture towards my siblings. "Over here is Jade, my best twin sister in the world." She gaped at me and I send a wink her way in return. She pauses before grinning with a cheeky giggle. "Ever since I went back to the jungle and we found each other, she has protected me since."

"Hi Jade, I am Shanti."
"And I'm Ranjan!"

"Hello," she answers with a wave. I look at Brute and smirk.

"And over here is our older brother Brute. He's pretty cool."

"Hey, what's up."

"The Jungle Rhythm," Ranjan shouts out. We all let of a chuckle.

"Hah, I'm assuming you got that from Mowgli, didn't ya," asks Brute.


"Wait, how come you guys weren't together when I found Mowgli," asks Shanti. Jade steps in.

"Well you see, Mowgli wandered away from us, too far us to realize we'd lost him. Brute and I had been searching for him for a looooong time since. We did see him at times, but we chose not to approach him yet because of the people and animals he was around. When we were younger, we were more cautious around almost anything we weren't sure of. Now we're over that." "That's right," Brute and I replies agreeing with her response.

"Wow, so you guys must have been real happy when you were able to reunite together." We all nod with a smile on our faces.

"You guys can stay for dinner tonight since it is getting dark," Papa then suggested.


Jade P.O.V.
Well Mowgli's foster family seem really nice, his friends too. I hope Brute and I can also treat them like family too. 

"Dinner is served," says Mowgli's foster mother putting plates of food onto the table for everyone.

"Thank-you for the food ma'am," I answer. She looks at me and smiles saying, "Wow, no wonder you and Mowgli are twins. You act so alike." I nod.

"Yeah, that's why we're twins," I say with a gleeful tone. "But," she starts. I stare at her now puzzled.

"You don't have to call me ma'am. You're free to call me mother like Mowgli does since you guys are so alike." I was a bit hesitant but I complied. 

"Yes ma'am, I mean mother." I finished with a smile. "May I get a mango please," Brute then asks Papa. 

"Yes you may," Papa answers him. "Can I get one too," I then ask. He gives the same answer to me. We take our slices.

"Thank-you," we say at once.

"Oh my Mowgli, I would never imagine you wearing a dress shirt," says Mama. "It suits you well" "Ehh, I would rather be shirtless," he remarks. "Of course you would," I replied quickly.

"Exactly," he continues. "That's why you're my twin, and the best one I could ever have."

"Thanks Mowgli." I felt my cheeks starting to get hot out of embarrassment. 

"I like seeing twins get along but now it's time for bed," Mama announces. "Aww," Mowgli and I whined at the same time. "Five more minutes please," we then express.   

"Alright, five more minutes." All of us kids in the room cheered. 

"Just don't be too loud or you'll wake up the village," she then whispers. We all go silent and nod our heads. Shanti and Ranjan led us to their room. "What should we do," I then question. 

"What can we do," Brute says after. 

"That's what I said-" 

"You guys actually have matching bracelets," Shanti comments staring towards our arms. We all hold up our arms as the silver bracelets glistens in the moonlight.

"That's so cool," Ranjan coos. "I wish I had a bracelet like that." "Me too," says Shanti. 

"Well we bought it recently 'cause of Jade," says Brute looking at me. I give him a smirk in return.

"Told ya it looked nice." Shanji and Ranjan then sat on their beds and Papa brought us blankets to sleep on and cover us. "Thank-you and goodnight," we all say to him.

"So what now," asks Shanti

"I know," Mowgli starts. "Let's sing Bear Necessity. It could be like our lullaby before we sleep." 

"Bear Necessity is too upbeat to be called a lullaby," Brute replies. "Does it matter," Mowgli asks with a shrug of his shoulders. 

"Oh yeah, the one Baloo sings right," I ask. "Yeah, that one." 

"Then what are we waiting for?" 

"You to realize the song," Brute retorts sarcastically. We all let out a laugh. 

"Let's sing," Ranjan yells. Shanti quickly covers his mouth.

"I mean, let's sing," he whispers in a softer voice.  

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