Chapter 6 Trouble in the Village

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"Vo kaun hai," she whispers slowly.

Confused, Jade asks, "Who's who," as she turns around slowly. Her face quickly goes pale as she watches hands creep towards her face. Before contact was made, Shanti pulls Jade away with shriek.

"he bhagavaan, we need to run back," she yells as she runs, pulling Jade behind her. Jade looks back and the man was chasing after them. Why are we running, she questions herself. The man was about the height of Brute, probably taller.

"Shanti, he's catching up." Jade stares at Shanti and she only looks back, terrified.

"If he gets us, we're doomed." Jade bites her lips. She loosens her hold on Shanti's hand. She then vigorously turns back.

"What are you doing," Shanti questions bewildered. Jade looks to the side.

"Something!" She turns around and quickly grabs a bucket of rain water from the side of the road and throws it at him. Drenched in the water, the man quickly stops to rubs the water out his eyes. Jade chuckles at the sight.

"Now's our chance!" Jade turns quickly before abruptly stopping in front of another person. Shanti quickly tugs Jade down into an alleyway.

"Follow me quick, I know the way home from here," Shanti breathes out running for her life. Jade glances back and sees both males following suite. She didn't understand why they were running away, but the look on Shanti's face said enough to say the situation was serious. Instinctively, Jade starts to speed up, soon running right past Shanti. She grabs her arm, forcing Shanti to move past her usual pace.

"Hold on Jade, you're too fast!" Jade looks back puzzled. "But should we not hurry-" Tripping on a rock, Jade quickly turns only to fall face down on the dirt.

"Jade are you okay," Shanti asks breathlessly quickly dropping next to her. "I'm okay," she mumbles turning her head to her. Shanti's face was so concerned. It was as if she forgot the danger behind them. Jade gasps. "Shanti look out!" Jade pushes the girl away only to have her hair clutched at the roots seconds later.

"You're a troublesome one-" Jade deeply scratches the hand on the man then falls to the ground on all fours -in front of Shanti. The man clutches his wrist as he groans in pain. Jade only growls in response. The second man starts to grab Shanti by the shoulders from behind. Struggling to be released, Shanti screams out, "Help! Mowgli, Mama, someone!!" Jade quickly turns around. Her eyes filled with fierceness like a tiger.

"Don't touch her!" She jumps at the man only to get pulled away once again. "Jade!" Moaning in pain, Jade holds onto the roots of her head. "Let go of my hair!" "Somebody help up," Shanti calls out right before her mouth was covered and she was hoisted up from the ground. Jade was given the same treatment. The men chuckle as she struggle within their grasp. "No one's gonna hear you now-"

"I did-" Everyone looks back to the sight of a strong teenager charging towards them. One of the men scoff.

"He's just one boy, let's hurry out of here. He'll get lost on our tracks anyways." The other nod as they around- only to come face to face with Ranjan's father.

"Well, well, well, what do we have here," he says stepping towards them with a furious look. Before they could react, Jade digs her nails once again into her kidnapper's skin and uppercuts him from below. The man hisses as he let's go of the girl and holds his face. "You'll think twice before messing with us," Jade shouts before charging for the man holding Shanti. He realizes quickly and drops Shanti to the floor before bolting away.

"Oww," wails Shanti as she softly rubs her backside. Jade quickly runs over to Shanti and holds out a hand. "You okay," she asks her. Shanti nods silently and takes her hand. Once, popping out the alleyway, the guys were met with a wave of water being thrown at them.

"That'll teach ya to think twice before messin with us!" Mowgli huffs as he puts down the bucket and runs to his family and friends. Soaking wet, the men turn only to come face to face with the leader of the man-village and two men behind him. "You'll be coming with us." The men behind him take the harassers and starts to walk off.

Shanti dusts herself off as Mowgli approaches her. "Are you okay, Shanti?" "Sort of. Thank you for saving us." "It's no problem. I'm glad I was able to hear your voice to get here." "I'm glad you guys are safe now," says the village leader walking up to the children. Jade then engulfs her brother into a hug. "Thank you Mowgli." Brute walks up to his younger sister places a hand on her head. "But why did you girls get all the way here?" Shanti bites her lip lightly as she looks at Jade. It's my fault," says Jade looking up at Brute. "I wanted to find a good hiding spot but I took Shanti a bit too far from the home." Brute raises his eyebrow.

"A bit," says Mowgli raising his eye with a smirk plastered on his face. Jade stares blankly. "Okay okay, we went far. "I'm sorry. I didn't think something like this would happen." Shanti bites her lips frowning. "I'm sorry too."

"It's all forgiven. I am very relieved you guys are safe. Now, let me take you all home." Everyone was relieved they had come at the right moment.


Mama comes out the house holding Ranjan as everyone comes back. "Is everything all right- oh dear. Shanti, your hair what happened?!" Shanti looks at Jade then at Mama. Before she could reply Jade jumps in.

"Um nothing! I was playing around with her but um-uh I got a little..... rough." Mama stares at Jade surprised. "Oh, well, did you have fun," she questions with a bit of concern. She nods.

"Don't worry about them, dear, they're just being children." Mama nods. "Well, Shanti's mom will have to go through the trouble of fixing her hair again. Speaking of which, she will be here to pick you up any moment now." Shanti nods slowly. "Oh, okay." Jade jumps into the conversation. "Wait are you not Shanti and Ranjan's mom?" Messua giggles. "Well, I am Ranjan's mother." "Messua is my mom's friend," says Shanti laughing. "We're not related." Jade's eyes go wide. "Seriously?! I never knew." Jade looks at Brute. "Did you know?" Brute chuckles. "I did. I thought you also knew." "Well I know now," says Jade embarrassed.

"Would you like me to fix your hair Jade?" Jade raises a questioning eyebrow. "My hair?" Mama nods. "What do you mean? My hair is fine, is it not?" Mama giggles. "Your hair texture is fine but if you want it to stay healthy, you need to take care of it. I'll help you." Jade smiles. "Okay!" Everyone goes inside and the village leader goes right back to work.

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