Chapter 2 Trip to the Village

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Mowgli P.O.V

"Brute, Brute! Wait up!" My twin sister Jade and I yell as we try to keep up with Brute, but he's way too agile in the jungle for use to keep up with. Not that I'm not that agile, agility seems to be something that runs in our family; but I didn't expect Jade to be so speedy around the branches and vines. Sometimes, she's even faster than me.
He finally hears us and lands on a branch before turning around. He boasts saying, "It's not my fault I'm too fast for you guys." He then stuck his tongue out at us. "That's not funny," I heard my twin yell.
"Well whatever, it's still true." He jumps down to the earth below. We did the same and land on either side of him.

"Anyways, we have nearly reached the village. Here are some clothes put 'em on." He throws some extra clothes at us. He gave me what I'm guessing is a shirt and pants. As I put them on I hear Jade's giggle.

"What's so funny," I ask her.
"It's just that I have never seen you wear pants before," she answers. "I've only seen Brute wear them since he suddenly wants to be like everyone at the village."
"Hey," Brute then blurted. I smile slightly with a shrug.
"Sorry Brute but she's kinda right."
"Ever since you left for a hike and ended up in the village you found the clothes, stole them may I add, and started wearing them." "It's not my fault. I don't want to stand out like you two." Both Jade and I made a face and grumble ready to say something back but he put up a hand.

"Before you even start... Mowgli, you're pretty much the reason why people keep coming back to the jungle." I rub the back of my neck cheekily.
"And Jade, you're a beautiful girl. Remember what happened last time? Boys spotted you and the very next day more of them started to come. You were lucky. Who knows what they could've done if they had found you." He sighed. "People and their weird minds these days," he then whispers." She snorts.
"It's not like they would've been able to catch me anyways. Even if they tried."
"Don't worry about it too much," I then say in a determined voice. "We also get away don't we? We'll be perfectly fine." Brute nods.
"Well in that case lets go then." I smile then turn to look at my twin sis.
"You say I look different?" I comment. "Look at you. I never seen you wear a dress that long,  or wear a shirt that covers your arms." She waves her hand in my face.
"Ya, Ya, Ya, can we go now," Brute asks in a bored tone. "Whatever Mr. Speedster," I answer.
"I actually like that," he replies. "I like the Boring, Impatient Speedster better," Jade and I retort together. "Whatever lets go," he answers. We all then continue to walk to the village. 

"Why do you even want to go so badly," Jade asks suspiciously eyeing him. Brute raises an eyebrow.

"Just feeling really hungry and don't want to go foraging for food." 

"So you're going to the village just to get food way more easily," I then said. 


"Uh I don't know, I still feel like there's something more behind it."Brute let out a small, awkward laugh at Jade.

"Nothing behind it, just that." 

"If you say so." We decide to ignore the doubt and continue on walking through the forest. The route to the village seem longer than expected, way longer. 

Suddenly, Jade asks,"Do you feel as if someone is following us?" Both Brute and I then turn around. "Nope."

"Don't worry Jade, there is no one around and plus we got each other's back. We all do," Brute says softly, touching her shoulder. "Okay," she answers nodding. As we continue to walk I notice a straw hat in Brute's hand. "Who's that hat for," I ask. He looks at his hand. "Oh this? I got it for Jade. Here, put this hat on." He handed Jade the hat who then groans but takes it. "Ugh okay." She puts the hat on. We all knew the village was right beyond the woods. However, clearly Brute was the only one who knew how far it would actually be. 

"Are we there yet," Jade and I complained a few seconds later.

"Can I take this hat off it's hot." Brute sighed.

"We're nearly there but fine, but once the village is at sight it's going right back on." 

"Fine." Jade takes off the hat and starts fanning herself with it. 

"Lucky you."

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