Day 1

100 9 15

Picture Frame 

What if there was a way
To trap a moment
In a photograph
Not just
Like the regular
Black, white, colored pictures
That already cover your walls
But a photograph
That could actually, physically
Bring you to that moment
Once again

How would the world react?
Would they rejoice
And use this forever
A way to permanently store memories
So they could capture
Their happiest moments
And relive them
Over and over again
Or would they abuse it
Turn it evil
Like they've done to so many things
Maybe they would capture
Terrible deeds they've done
And relive them
Over and over again

Would it get boring?
How many times
Can you get married
The same way
The same man
Over and over again
Before you start to wonder
If you made the right choice
The first time

Would it create monsters?
How many times
Can you watch a crime
The same way
The same reason
Over and over again
Before you start to wonder
If maybe you made the right choice
The first time

Would others be able to see them?

f another person
Could see my world
Would they see
The way I blend the sky
Or the way I judge others
Would they hear
The melodic voices of those I love
Or the screeches of those I loathe
Would they taste
The savory empanada
Or how terrible champagne is
Would they feel
The goodness in me
Or the badness I try to hide

I think I've decided
If a thing like this existed
I would demolish it
As soon as possible
But not for a ruined memory
Or a terror born
But because I know now
I could not handle it
If people could see my world
Through their own judging eyes

Who knows
What would become
Of me

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