Day 17

22 6 1


A book is a wonder
It is just letters
Arranged in a certain way
That our brains can process
A link to another world
Bridged to us with an author
Who's creativity
Triggers our own
And we create the world
In our minds

A book is a voyage
It can take us to the beach
Or a murder house
The edges of space
Or the depths of the ocean
It can transport you
To the beginning of Earth
Or the end of time
And all you have to do is look

A book is a friend
It can make you laugh
It can make you cry
Make you angry, terrified
Or make you ecstatic, loving
You fall in love
With the characters
Created out of the words
And they are forever yours
In both mind, heart, spirit

A book is
The best thing
You could ever read

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