Day 22

24 5 1

@ec_poetry I have an idea for a scheme challenge. I've used this style before (I call it Kawatta Haiku). The rules are pretty simple: It is written as a regular poem (as in all the same topic) but the first three stanzas are Haikus, the fourth is a "half" Haiku (syllable is   3-5-3) and the last line is 4 syllables. The last line of the first 3 stanzas need to have a common phrase or word used. (Used first in Midnight over in my other poetry book)

High School

Smell of teen-aged angst
Crowded yet always alone
Small and sad and scared

Sometimes it gets better
Surrounded by loyal friends
Loved and lived and lushed

But sometimes they leave
More alone than before
Shrunk and squashed and sapped

Why is it
That it always goes
Just like that

One day, I'll change

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