Day 28

22 6 8


I swear I love you
Its not possible, I know
I'm too young
Too immature
We aren't even dating
I know so little about you
And yet, you are
The closest thing to love
I've ever gotten

Your chocolate brown eyes
Looking into mine
Make the whole world disappear
Your slightly callused fingers
On my skin
Feel like the touch of an angel
Your protective nature
Directed my way
Makes me feel safe, secure
But I can't love you

I've seen you mad
Ranting, livid
Your eyes burned red with passion
It was riveting
And all I wanted to do
Was join in your momentary hatred
But I can't love you

I've seen you broken
Close to tears
Your demeanor torn apart
It was eye-opening
And all I wanted to do
Was comfort you, hold you close
But I can't love you

I've seen you playful
Teasing, joking
Your body and mind at ease
It was sensational
And all I wanted to do
Was have your laugh played on repeat
But I can't love you

I've seen you overjoyed
Smiling, proud
Your gait springy
It was life-giving
And all I wanted to do
Was stay in that moment forever
But I can't love you

It's just not possible
You're older
More experienced, mature
You've lived two more years
On this earth
And have gone through a lot
Here you are,
Single, perfect
And I am unable
To let myself believe
I could love you

I was told
There might be a chance you like me
But I can't love you
Until I learn
To truly love myself
But, I'd be willing
To accept
A bit of help

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