Day 9

22 5 3

The True Relationship

I love my mom
She gives me shelter
And food
And most importantly
She encourages my wishes
And helps me through my falls
She is always willing to lend
A helping hand
An empathetic ear
Or just some humble advice
She makes me feel safe
And loved
Like a princess in her castle
She holds me
Like I am the most precious
And beautiful thing
In the entire world
Because, for her, I am
And that takes a lot

But sometimes, I hate her
When she doesn't take my side
In an argument I'm having
Or when she teaches me a lesson
That I don't want to hear
Or when she disapproves
Of my report card
Or when she guilts me
Into doing something for her
Using the excuse
That she pays for everything
And she drives me everywhere
And she gave birth to me

But the fact is
That deep down,
I still love her
She's still the mom
I'd tell anything and everything to
She isn't abusive
Which is more than some can say
And she's supportive of everything
Which is more than most can say
And she loves me
And I love her
And that's final

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