Day 12

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It can be hard
To try to succeed
When the whole world
Is watching you fail

The atheists have it easy
They don't have to pray
Every morning, and every night
Their Sunday's are free
They don't have to
Give up their money, time
To something they can't even see
And yet,
They also never get to experience
The love of God
His graces and mercy
Pouring down on them
A true feeling of safety
And joy
But then again,
They don't know what they're missing

The addicts have it easy
They don't have to say no
Or drop friends who smoke
Drink, gamble
Because they do it too
They don't have to face the pressure
Of being unaccepted
For simply doing
What you believe in
And yet,
They also are the ones
Who die early in life
From terrible and painful diseases
Who are at a higher chance
Of depression and anxiety
Who's health and money
Are depleting faster than ever
And they are sucked into something
They can't ever escape

The homosexuals have it easy
Especially in this changed America
Where someone gay
Is praised and celebrated
And someone straight
Who doesn't join in
Is called homophobic
And hateful and rude
They have all the laws they need
And some extra they don't
And if one of them complains
The entire country changes
To satisfy their whims
And yet,
They also had to go through
Pain and suffering in recent years
To get to where they are now
There are still some
Being mistreated
Barely considered human
Much like the slaves of the past
There are some still cowering in fear
Of the big scary world
They have found themselves in
And others trying find themselves
In the big scary world

No one has it easy
Everyone has it hard
From the whites to the blacks
The men to the women
The straight to the gays
The Christian to the Muslim
No one can say
That someone else's life is easy
That someone else's life is hard
Because the only life
You know, for certain, is your own
So stop trying to swipe issues
Under a rug
Stop trying to shove them all
Into the same mold
Who gave you the power
To say ALL women suffer
Because I as a woman have never
Who gave you the power
To say ALL Catholics hate
Because I as a Catholic have never
Who gave you the power
To say ALL students have sex
Because I as a student have never
No one gave you that power
And if someone did
They are BSing themselves

We can't pretend to understand
Or worse, forsee
Someone else's life
Someone else's ideals
Someone else's successes
And someone else's struggles
When we can't even
Understand or forsee
Our own

So, from the bottom
Of my woman, Catholic, virgin heart
I beg you
To stop

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