Day 21

21 5 5

Sorry for the format in this one. I had written it on the back of a scratch paper of an exam and was barely allowed to take a photograph of it afterwards, so I have the picture on my phone and am typing from my laptop... But that did give me the chance to dedicate it to a user who has very quickly become both a source of inspiration and extra knowledge (you know who you are).


As children

We are dreamers

Imagining adventure

And quests for us all

We long for the stars

And wish for the unique, 

the unknown

"Star light star bright

First star I see tonight

I wish I may

I wish I might

Have this wish

I wish tonight

I wish for a unicorn

And a magic wand

To be a fairy princess

And to see a real cherry bomb"

Our innocence

Guides our decisions

And nothing we do

Is a sin

Because we don't know 

Any better

As teens

We are depressors

Stressing about tests

And societal thoughts

We long for answers

And wish for both clarity

And masks

"Star light star bright

First star I see tonight

I wish I may

I wish I might

Have this wish

I wish tonight

I wish for true love

And actual loyal friends

To be noticed

And to have him in the end"

Our desperate needs

Trump our imagination

And nothing we do

Will ever be enough

Because we don't know

Any better

As adults

We are reasoners

Settling for anything life throws at us

And explaining them away

We long for excitement

And wish for wealth

For power

"Star light star bright

First star I see tonight

I wish I may

I wish I might

Have this wish

I wish tonight

I wish for patience

When a merciful hand

To be understanding

And for life to go as planned"

Our feigned intelligence

Clouds our wants

And nothing we do 

Is ever wrong

Because we don't know

Any better

Well today

I wish

To become a dreamer

Once more

And see the world

From my innocent eyes

Because then,

Just maybe

I might survive

River Flow: PoetryDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora