Day 5

43 10 16


Time changes for no one

It won't speed for the mourner
Who just wants the pain to stop
And wants to get to where
Time heals her wounds
And her agony at the very least fades
Instead, it ticks, consistent
And she feels every tock
Like a stab in her side

Time changes for no one

It won't slow for the procrastinator
Who needs an extra hour or two
To finish the mounds of work
She's left for her "future self"
Which too quickly became her now

nstead, it ticks, consistent

And she feels every tock
A reminder of what she hasn't done

Time changes for no one

It won't speed for the excited kid
Who wants to travel the world
Or get an exotic pet
That her parents keep denying
When she's allowed to do anything
Instead, it ticks, consistent

nd she feels every tock
Like a day that just won't go away

Time changes for no one

It won't slow for the old woman
Who doesn't feel accomplished
And needs more years
To replace the ones she wasted
By not enjoying nor living her life
Instead, it ticks, consistent
And she feels every tock
Like a day that she'll never get back

Time changes for no one

Not the mourner or the rejoicer
Not the procrastinator or the planner
Not the kid or the adult
Not the old or the young
Not me, not you
Not anyone

It just ticks on, consistent

For three things are certain
About time and the way it works
It was here before
It will be here after
And it changes for no one

Tick tock

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