I'm running on sarcasm and fury

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Simon, it would seem is one of Negans five lieutenants. This means we now have access to everything Negan says. Every time they're going out and the perfect chance to escape.

"Looks like you're aunts here kid. Guess it's time you head off. I've got this." Simon waves Mateo towards me.

"Simon. Thank you. I truly appreciate ya letting Mateo help. He's always telling me ya guys have fun." I cross my arms around mateos chest.

"He's a quick learner, he'll be just fine here." Simon nods. I wrap my arm around mateos shoulders guiding him towards the compound.

"So, what's happening?" I ask him as we walk.

"Nothing. Simon hasn't said anything other than he's in charge of a small community. They go to them every couple weeks for supplies." Mateo tells me as we walk up the gravel. I bite my lip. I appreciate mateos subtlety but this information is almost completely useless.

"Auntie D... what are they doing?" Mateo points across the gravel front yard.

I follow mateos finger to a large black truck backing across the yard. The driver, Danny, has his head hanging out the driver window attempting to guide it without anyone's help. Behind his truck in the largest blind spot known to panel vans is my jeep.

"Hey! Hey! No! No!" I scream breaking into a sprint across the yard.

Danny blindly ignores my shouting and continues to back up.... right into the side of my truck.

I stumble to a stop momentarily. My hands tangle in my hair. Inside a burning sensation boils through my veins. This burning smothers the moment of pause.

"Mother fuckin' piece of shit! What the fuck is wrong wit you?!" I shriek stomping across the gravel. My nails bury themselves in my palms. I don't care how many people stop to watch.

Danny, the porky man that ripped my hair out three nights ago, hops from the truck.

"What the hell do you want?!" He shoots back.

"Ya just hit ma truck! Are ya such Incompetent fuck you can't drive one! God damnit!" I bury my nails in my skull.

"Not my problem, you figure it out bitch."

"Wow! Wow! Let's calm down." Simon jumps in rescuing Mateo from watching me explode.

"Calm down! Calm down! This fat fuck
Just drove into the side of ma truck and the only thin' he can say for 'imself is that it's not 'is problem?!" I shout at Simon.

"It's not my problem the bitch is-" I loose it. I collide with him, throwing a punch straight for his nose. I enjoy watching the blood bubble from his nose, and mouth as my fist collided with his face.

Danny grabs the front of my jacket, throwing me to the ground, pinning me so he can throw a few punches straight into my nose. The disgusting crunch of bone breaking sends blood gushing from my nose. I spit in Danny's face and roll us over again. This time I drive with my knee in his groin.

"What the hell is going on?!"

Simon rips me from Danny by the back of my denim jacket and drops to one knee.

I sniffle, wiping my nose. Blood dribbles down my face and on to the ground I spit out a mouth full of blood as I watch negans boots kick up gravel.

"Simon, please enlighten me on what the hell is happening?"

Beside me Simon rises to his feet.

"To my understanding, Danny was backing the truck in when he hit the side of DJ's truck. DJ threw a fit and then Danny called her a 'bitch' and she started a fist fight." My shoulders slump. Exhaustion weighing on my muscles. That's pretty much what happened.

"Danny, why is it you didn't have someone helping you back the truck in? And how is it you failed to see my truck parked their before you backed up?" Negan shoves Lucille in Danny's face.

"I-I- ummm... I thought I could back the truck in alone, the guys were loading supplies inside and I didn't want to bother them. I wasn't watching the mirrors before I began to back up."
Danny stutters helplessly.

"Dakota, get up." I stand up. Holding negans burnt chestnut gaze. His eyes hold nothing but annoyance.

"Oh, that's a shame. Danny do you see the damage you caused? Dakota did you see the damage you caused? Go ahead, take a damn look!"

I look over at Danny, a sense of pride filling me. His nose is broken, his eye is puffing up red and it's obvious he's having trouble breathing, I've bruised a rib or his lung.

"Awe, I think Dakota's a little proud of herself. We can't have that now can we. Boys, take her to room 'a'." Negan orders.

"No. No, no, no, NO. NO! I ain't- Negan I..." I shake my head. No words can describe my horror. Is he throwing me in the cells?

"No! No! Negan you can't pull this shit!" I shout as Dwight grabs me by the shoulder.

"Let's go." Dwight growls in my ear.

"Don't! Mateo!" I sob watching Negan grab him by the shoulder. "He's just a kid! He's just a kid let him be!" I scream. Another grabs me as I kick at Dwight.

"Auntie D! No! It was daddies! The truck was daddies!" Mateo shrieks yanking on negans wrist.

"No! No! Get off me! Let go! Ya worthless sum'bitch! Get the fuck off me!" I seethe.

They drag me into the compound still kicking and screaming. Down three flights of stairs we go. The deep heart of the old boiler rooms.

I give up half way down the stairs, letting them drag me, glassy eyed down the moldy hallway.

The two men toss me into a dark broom closet and slam the door in my face. I press my forehead against the cold wall and scream. I've failed Mateo, and jasper.

The nausea of guilt and blood squeezes on my insides, my heart stampedes in my chest.

I vomit in the corner. Wiping my chin off with the back of my sleeve I curl up into a ball in the opposite corner of the small cell. My knees to my chest, my chin resting on top. Blood dribbles down my face on to my disgusting jeans.

Tears roll down my heated cheeks as I cry. I've failed them. I've failed them both. That sickening gut dropping, heart squeezing feeling of failure twisting and churning in my midsection is agony.

"Here's dinner." The door cracks open, only an inch or so, blinding me. I cower farther in to the corner as a plate slides across the stone floor. Then darkness once more claims the room.

A small sandwich rests on the plate. I don't move to take it. The smell of old meat seeps into the air.

"Don't eat it." A familiar voice advises. The door swings open again. Negan stands in the doorframe, Lucille dangles over his shoulder.

"Oh, shit. That did a number on you. Come here." Negan holds out a hand for me to take. I let my head loll back against the wall, staring in to the corner.

"If ya gonna kill me, just do it. I ain't gonna apologize." shake my head.

"Dakota, get up. I'm not going to kill you. I needed you level headed. Besides, Danny was pissing me off. Went off on me about you being a threat to the saviors, telling me what I should do with you and how I should do it. Fucker suddenly grew a pair the second you weren't breathing down his neck." Negan waves his gloved hand around again.

"Come on. Let's go."

This time I take his hand.

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