chapter 6 The show

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wasn we got to the theater I was separated from the boundaries and taken to a room in the back. "Stay here and don't try to leave". The man said. I started singing viva la Vida to cheer me up.

"I used to rule the world seas would rise when I gave the world now in the morning I sleep alone sweap the streets I used to know". 

Then  ot hit me I thought of something, I could stay here and mope or I can  knock out the gard and save the boundaries. I'll go with the second one. I found a pipe in the far back and I picked the lock and opened the door.

The tall dude was still there so I hit him in the back of the head and dragged him in the room. I found a 80s girl coustume. Included a leather jacket with a cut up shirt of Bon Jovie, a blue skirt, a pair of hoop earrings and black flats. I look to the stage to see that I came at the right time. I went to the side and found a gitar. I knew what I had to do. I walk down to the stage and started singing Heat of the moment.

Everyone looked a little freaked out but after the first vers they liked it.  On the guitar solo I whispered to Klaus and violet to go and get help.

They walked of stage and I started playing again. Count Olaf loked so mad he looked like he could kill someone. I started the third vers but count olaf put a knife at my throat. Everyone was terified as they saw the scene.

Then Klaus ran on stage and smacked the knife from count olafs hand. "Don't touch her you eveil  cowerd". Said Klaus as he did this i thank him and he could've sworn he blushed. Violet was being held back by the bald man, I was about to tell everyone that he is a vile person and must be stop. But he confessed on his own.

When he finished sunny was weeled in the room and the room got dark.

"I will have your fortune and I will have you (y/n)".  He said with a screech at the end. Next thing I know I'm on the floor bleeding. The light turned on and everyone looked at me. Last thing I see I Klaus picking me up bridal style and screaming for help. Then everything went dark.

///// time skip to the hospital////

When I awoke I saw kluas sitting down next to me. I try to move but it hurts I grunt.  Kluas looks at me with relief.  "They said that you wouldn't make it. But I knew you make it".
He sad with pride.

Then he hugged me ever so gently. I was freaked out but I hugged him back. "i will always protect you from count Olaf if it's the last thing I do". He said with a little rage. I wanted to calm him down so I got up and told him I was ok and left to the bathroom.  I looked a t my wound and saw stitches. Well  it's better than dying.  I thought to my self. I took a rinse and got into my clothes. I closed the door and started to walk to the vending machine and see Mr poe  talking to someone on the phone. I hid on the side of the wall and started easdropingguardiansly

To all the HP fans imagine that in snapes voice.

"Well where would (y/n) go. An orphanage that's ubsed". He said with a little jump in his voice. Are they really going to do that to me. Throw me away like trash.

"What about we put her with the children I sure dr. Montgomery won't mind".  He hanged up the phone. I guess that I'm living with a doc. Well this morning s gonna suck.

1 week latter

We drove for a while in M.poe's car to our new guardians house. Violet was in the front seat with poe me, Klaus and sunny were in the back. "This is so exciting children. We will look out for count Olaf I promise you". Poe said with a little cheerful ness.  I hadn't gotten enough sleep so I passed out on the car door.

I woke up when Poe honked when we got there so the doc will know we where here. I found myself on kluas'es shoulder. When did I fell asleep on his shoulder? doesn't matter right now I need to find a way out of here. I don't care how nice the guy is I'm running cuz I know that Olaf will find us.

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