chapter 8 what hell

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When violet said that she ships it I was so confused. "Well when Klaus and I were alone he never stopped talking about you and the way you look at him". She said.

"Well I have to admit I never thought that he would find out. Dame". I think that I shoulda seen it I never wanted to be the clueless girl cleasha.

"Well if you want I can help you out with him. I do know him the best". Violet said with ease.

"Well I will let you know when I need you but right know I am going to get something to drink and sleep so see you in the morning V". I said.

"Ok, see you in the morning (y/n)". She said. When I got some water I left to my room.

When I got to my room I curled up into a ball and fell asleep faster than expected. Well I'll see Klaus in the morning.... that's something to look forward to.

Klaus POV

When I stepped inside the room I see (y/n) curled up on the bed. She is an Angel when she was a sleep, and awake.

So I went to her and fell a sleep holding her. Wow this is paradise.

While I held her in my arms I drftied off to sleep I thought of what if she doesn't except my feelings and I end up ruining our friendship.

But then again we did kiss at the place. But what if she has feelings for Zac. Well I will find out tomorrow.


when I open my eyes I see Klaus next to me. With his arm wrapped around me.

What the hell is he doing. Is this is what people call a hug. I never got a hug before. I fell my face heat up.

I have a surprise for them but I had to get out of his embrace. I didn't want to go but I new it would be worth it.

When I slip out I get to the kitchen. I look at the time. Hole crap it's 5 o'clok dame. Well better get started. I get a black apron on and pat it down. "Let friking do this".

I have a little boombox and play Billie Jean by Michael Jackson. While I sing and dance while I cook. Then I see people in uniforms come in. I ignore them of corce so I don't look. I figured they cook but I was so used to make food I adapted to that.

I have already made eggs, hasbrowns, some ham, pankanks, and waffles. Then I hear hello by Lionel Richie. I get strawberries and blueberries
and some syrup. I made extra for the guys that work here.

When I finally finish I put the apron in a hamper and head to the dineing room and I hear people calling me. "I'm over guys calm down". Then Violet, Klaus, Sunny, and the doc sat down. I place the food on the table and everyone looks at me when I come back with coffee, orange juice, and some tough ham for Sunny.

"What are you doing (y/n) We have chefs here for this. You didn't have to do this". Said doctor Montgomery. "I know it's just that I wanted to do something. Anyway you'r welcome". I said with a tad of starcazem. "Oh, right where are our manners thank you very much (y/n)". Said Montgomery. "Thanks (y/n)". They all said. I walked out of the room to the kitchen.

"Thank you so much (y/n) We really needed a break". Said the head chef. "No problem my dude. Just ask if you need help". I said with some sypnothey I kinda felt bad for theses guys they barely get a break.

When I had fished eating I was about to leave to town for zac. But monty calls me and the rest of us. And he shows us the reptile room and shows us many reptiles in the room I notice many things when we entered.

Like I had been here before I felt like I had been here before. "Dr. Montgomery this is wonderfull. This is amazing".said violet. Ruining my train of thought.

"There are so many books about reptiles it's so fasanating". Said Klaus while picking up a book. While monty was showing the animals I try to see if I can remember this place.

When I thought more about it and when something was about to click sunny got bit by a viper. I had freaked out while everyone was stuck in shock while I get sunny out of the way.

While I check her pulse monty is laughing and he explains that sunny will be ok and the incredible deadly viper will do no harm.

"No harm will come to you in the reptile room children". Said monty while we were leving.

All day we where all talking about going to Peru. I had never been anywhere out of the country. Actuly this Is the farthest I've been other than count olafs house.... if you can call it a house I loked like it would fall apart any minute.

Montey said that we where all going to Peru in a couple of days. I was so excited to see something new and exciting for once.

Montey left to get some supplies for the trip. While we where alone we where talking about how cool it would be to go and be free.

"Well I'm bored out of my mind What do you guys want to do". Said Violet.

"Hey why don't you go get you guitar and play (y/n)". Said Klaus with some happynesss. "Alright,be right back".

I got my guitar and started going to the family room. I saw a picture of my parents.

And they weren't alone montey was with them, an African American women with a pale man with a cowboy hat., a pale woman with glasses, two pairs of happy couples together. One of them loked liked the baudelaires parents and the others looked vaguely fumilur.

I took the picture and ran to my room and put in my bag.

When I got to the room I hear the door bell ring. And a man came in he had no hair a long white beard and no eye brows. I new from the start that he is count olaf.

The Baudelaires came out of the room only to find me face to face to count Olaf. Klaus grabbed my hand and pulled me away from him. What happened next no one would expected

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