9. Awkward

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"It's eight AM!" Tim burst out, "he can't already be drinking!"

"Yeah, you can stay quiet because it's you every other day!"

Woah John.... Stop sassing people off. It's fine, they're band mates!

"I'll go get one then-" Tim was immediately cut off my John holding him back by his hood.

"We're going to get those other idiots, not getting you a drink!"

"We'll just start heading in...." Tim and John turned around to face us... A mixture of shock and frustration present.

"Completely forgot you were both there but sure, we should head in."

"I swear... You have a head like a sieve" Richard spoke in a playful tone.

Talk about yourself Reesh...

I pushed him into the beer tent, the others following behind. I immediately spotted most of tonight's lineup, huddled around picnic benches, along with multiple other people across the bar.

The two Avatar members headed towards the bar, gesturing for me and Richard to follow. They walked towards three guys sat on stools, probably the furthest away from the enterance.

Once we reached, who I'm guessing is the rest of Avatar, Tim grabbed two dreads that belonged to one of the men and tied them above his head.

"TIM!" The man screamed while spinning around in his stool, "can you fucking stop!?"

Wait... He's familiar aswell!

Long blonde dreadlocks... Bright blue eyes... Towering over me.

I walked towards the door when it swung open and two tall (compared to me) males came in. One with really long, blond-ish dreads and the other with long, straight, dark hair and a moustache. Another thing is that they were both wearing Hawaiian shirts...

"Hawaiian shirts!" I mumbled.

"I'm sorry?" Tim must've heard my muttering.

"Oh... I said Hawaiian shirts. I recognised you both," I pointed to Tim and the guy with a head full of dreads, "I didn't know how I knew you but I walked past you in Starbucks! Sounds weird that I remembered you but it's not everyday you see someone in Germany wearing a brightly coloured floral shirt!"

"Umm... Have you never even seen our Mein Land music video?" Richard shook me by both my shoulders and I rolled my eyes in return.

"Oh... Don't you do fashion?" John replied quickly.

I just smirked and narrowed my eyes before looking awkwardly to him, then to the three guys, and then back to him.

It took a while for the wheels to turn but eventually understood and started introducing me and Richard to the others.

"This is Kungen, Johannes and Henrik... Guys, this is Richard and (Y/N)."

After our mini introductions, we all split of into our own conversations. Well most of us did; Richard, Kungen and Tim started talking about the models they were using and Johannes and John were having some random conversation in Swedish.

That just left me and Henrik.

Just sitting there.


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