Planning Revenge

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Lucas left Maya and walked past Riley grabbing Farkle's arm to drag him out of the room.

"What are you doing?! I don't like being tugged!" Farkle yelled.

"We need a quiet place to talk."

"The bay window?" He shrugged.

"Not where Riley can hear us."

Farkle thought for a minute. "The roof?" He suggested cautiously.

Lucas nodded. "Good. Let's go."

He walked up to the roof dragging Farkle behind him.

"Okay, you dragged me all the way up the stairs and I didn't like it. What's going on?!" He yelled.

"It was Riley's uncle." Lucas said. "Maya just told me." He sighed. "I want to kill him, but I can't."

Farkle nodded slightly and walked over to the edge of the roof. "I'd say it's about 20ft up."

Lucas blinked. "Um, okay? But I was talking about Maya."

"Yup. And Josh, Riley's uncle. Riley's young and attractive uncle that Maya used to have a crush on when we were kids." He rambled out. "He is about 6ft. So a fall from this height should do some damage without killing him, but how could we get him up here without letting people see us because then they would know we pushed him off."

"Wait.. Push him off? You want to push him off the roof?"

Farkle pursed his lips in thought. "Essentially, yes, unless you have a better idea of revenge. I am all ears if you do." He stated.

Lucas shrugged. "Well my idea was to punch his face and then keep punching it until his nose bleeds down his shirt and his eyes are swelled shut."

Farkle nodded. "Dark, angry.. I like it. We'll call that Plan B." He snapped his fingers. "Or you could do that and then I could push him off. But don't forget to really kick the part of him that he used against our poor Maya."

Lucas nodded. "Got it. When we see him we get him to come up to the roof with us. I beat his ass and then you push him off the roof. Should we have a Plan C? My Pappy Joe always said every backup plan should have a well thought out backup plan."

"Well we kind of already combined Plans A and B, but why not.. Plan C needs to be just as good and as painful as our combined joint effort for Plans A and B together." He thought.

"I got it!" Lucas yelled.

"Tell me."

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