chapter 5

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Constellation POV

It's been two day since we split everyone into groups including the Romans who came yesterday. Everything was going just fine. Mine and Percy's relationship has flourished it those two days. We started sleeping together but no sex yet. But that might change soon.

I woke up before Percy and started twirling my fingers on his defined pecs. Once I was done with that I started to trace his scares from training and Tartarus. I still can't believe that slut left him for Chris. ( I FEEL REALLY AWKWARD WRITING THAT) I looked at his sleeping form and kissed his lips passionately yet hungrily. He opened his eyes as I pulled away.

" Hey beautiful" He said before kissing me lightly.

"Morning sexy" I said as I get on top of him. We started making out. I was running my right hand through his unruly messy jet black hair. My left hand was gliding down his chest to his defined chest and abs. He was licking my lips begging for entrance. I granted it to him and are make out session got heated. Both of our tongues battling for dominance I won and started to explore his mouth. Mind you we are already half naked. He had basketball shorts on. I had on his large shirt, bra and a thong. He started lifting my shirt up ,while I was kissing his neck. Once he got the shirt off I pushed him down and was about to start grinding until someone started knocking.


"GREAT JUST GREAT I can't even enjoy you babe." He said in a husky.


After my afternoon fun I walked out of the cabin with what I took a nap in expect I was wearing my mask. I was to tired to change... scratch that I was to lazy. I walked to my group. They stared at me looking at all the scares I had on my body. I snapped my fingers to get there attention.

" Pull out your wea-" I stated before the horn sounded 3 time.

" Angles of order let's go " I mm them.


I saw NEX run ahead of his group with no armor on. He only had his two swords, shorts and a mask. I snap my fingers and my armor appeared on my along with the other immmortals and Angles. As the campers got ready we all were on the hill.

" What took you guys so got DANG long." NEX said all irritated now.

" Sorry bro." I said as Prometheus came forward. He looked at NEX then the rest of the army.

" Please surrender and we will go easy on you and allow to live to be are entertainment." the Titan bellowed.

" Kiss my ass scare face" yelled NEX at a red faced Titan.

" Fine you have sealed there fate you low piece of shit mortal." Prometheus hollered.

" Ummmmm I'm a Primordial get it right boo boo." NEX said.

" Titans come forth." Prometheus said.

Just then Atlas, Perse, Oceanus, Koios, and Kreios stepped in front of there army. There army held over 300,000 monsters. Shit even with the gods we are screwed.


As I looked at the army and laughed out loud.

" What's so funny" Atlas yells towards me. " THIS" I said pointing at There sorry excuse for an army " is pathetic I can't believe I was sent to fight this." I said still laughing. I pulled out archangel and soul stealer and sprinted towards the Titans. Atlas was my first victim. He jabbed his spear at me while Perse tried to cut my side. I parried the spear and kick Perse hard in his stomach. You heard a sickening crunch sound as my foot landed. Perse flew 20 feet. I back flipped over Oceanus and attempt to cut his head off but Koios blocked it with his sword. I swung soul stealer at Kreios but he ducked... just what I wanted. As he ducked I round house kick the shit out of him. He as he flew I threw archangel at his flying form. The sword was logged in his stomach and he started fading. Nobody interpreted my fight. Atlas fell next as I kicked his legs from underneath him. I stood over him and stabbed my sword soul stealer it his chest. Oceanus ran at me so I jumped over him and cut his head off. The other 3 Titans hid behind there army.

" CCCCCCHHHHHAAAAARRRRGGGGEEEEEE!!!!!!!" I yelled at the top of my lungs.

During the fight Perse Kick me in the chest. a large circle grew and we charge each other.

He grabbed my masked as I yelled " THIS IS SPARTAAAAAAAAA" I kicked him square in the chest. I heard a lot of gasping and got confused.

Then it hit me Shit I'm screwed.

the betrayal of Percy JacksonTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon