Chapter 10

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PERCY POV ITS BEEN 2 1/2 years

I ran away from the human side of the wolves. I was running roughly 90 miles in hour dodging trees and and other animals. I saw the monkey humans, croc human, etc. the only things that weren't human were the birds and really small animals. We met each clan as they like to be called and made peace as it was my request.  The reason I'm running is because Beta is in heat. and I learned that when Beta is in heat she is prone to rap you. I nearly got rap last time. I screamed from momma Azza and she ran in and tackled Beta off me. at that I ran for days until Her day passed. Anyway I was jumping I hopped into the trees to try to get away. I caught her scent and I knew she was close. but what I failed to realize was she was right beside me when I smelt it. I turned my head only to meet a shoulder to my side. I coughed as I was slammed into the ground. I grunted as I tried to pick my self out of the crater. I looked up to see a Angry and in heat Beta.

" You will NO LONGER RUN FROM ME." She screamed at me pulling me up. I struggle but she was strong she slammed me into a tree. right when she stepped close I transformed into my wolf which stood taller than the Gods in there Godly height. I ran at full speed with her trailing me. When I'm in this from I'm 2x faster. she is fastest in the pack so I pushed my muscles till they screamed for me to stop. she tried to keep up but I was alright 10,000 miles a head of her. when I was far enough I changed back into my human form and jumped into a lake in front of me. I saw the fish look at me and swim way. I waited till sun down before I came out.  

" I want to give my first time to Zoe." I thought running back to the rest. when I got there I saw a pissed of Azza and  annoyed Zabrina ( She is the Dino).

" Where the hell have you been." they asked at the same time.

" I was running from Beta. she is obsess with having my babies." I said looking at each one of them. they sighed. and stood up and walked in side. I quickly followed them cause I smelt food. When I was inside Everyone looked pissed  so I slowly tried to back away until Azza grabbed me and threw me in the middle where everyone glared at me. 

" Ummm Did I do something wrong." I asked. that made them glare harder. until momma Azza slapped me hard.

" When is your birthday young pup." She asked me.

" August 18.  Why." I asked them looking around for in answer.

" What is today young pup." She asked. I looked at her weirdly until it dawn on me.

" My birthday." I said looking at her. she nodded as did the rest. " But wait how did y'all know it was my birthday I never told anyone plus when I go back to earth it will be my birthday." I said looking at them.

" Chaos wife came and told us that it was your birthday." She said looking at me.

" Wait did she just say Chaos wife. but I thought he didn't have a wife. wait this is confusing." I thought. I looked at the rest and noticed that there was a feast waiting for me. I cried and hugged momma Azza. she looked startled but hugged me back like a mom would. she has been a mom ever since I came here. I loved her like a mom and I was damn sure going to show it.


I was watching everyone train. the Apollo cabin and the Hunters are now like brothers and sisters. they do basically everything together. Athena and Aphrodite cabins are working together. Ares and Hephaestus cabin were fighting along side each other. Demeter and Hades cabin were working together. They believed my threat after a hunter and Apollo spawn fought. lets just say they were Best friends after there encounter with me. Anyway I made sure everyone work with the opposite. I had them do light work which was run 30 laps and light spars. I had my head phones in listening to Hopeless by Breaking Benjamin. As I watched the campers. Gods, and Amazon train I had a bad feeling about today. like there was going toe be a major encounter that can make or break us. I saw campers look up at the sky and at the barrier. I took out my head phones and looked. I saw millions of monsters and aliens at the barrier. I looked so shocked that I drop my head phones. 

" CHAOS." I screamed and he appeared in full armor along with the rest of the Primordial's. they brought the army with them which had 2'000 members. I looked by side Chaos and saw a beautiful woman she looked at the rest of the campers and Gods and got a Gasp from them.

" Y-y-y-y-y-y-you are suppose to be dead."  Zeus said long with heads. she shook her head and stood beside Chaos with a bright golden sword.

" I don't know when Percy well be here I gave back the power to create portals." Chaos stated.

" M-m-maybe he knows its a lost cause so he is running away." And Aphrodite child said looking frightened. Every one had there battle armor and choice of weapons. End stepped up with a huge smile along with the Titans, some faded Gods, Gaints, and Geae.

" Where is nex." Geae asked with a hint of fear. 

" He is not on this planet I can't sense him." End said looking at her. " So It looks like your greatest warrior has fl-" He was interrupted by a Howl followed by a portal. Out stepped a Dumpster sized wolf (he can change the size of is wolf). what followed him was wolves Dinosaurs, Apes, Gorillas, Monkeys, Etc. Once he stepped out with what seemed like 1,000 of each one. he looked at End. and did the weirdest thing he transformed human. the rest transformed to half human. Once the leader as done I saw....PERCY.

" PERCY." Everyone screamed. he turned to us and did a peace sign.( Think of the anime peace sign). Zoe ran to Percy and kissed him which earned a growl from the half humans along with some Goddess.

" How DARE YOU KISS ARE ALPHA AND LEADER." A Dino woman screamed lunching her self only to be stopped by Percy releasing a lot of killing intent which cause everyone to step back and look at him in awe and fear. 

" I CAME TO FIGHT A WAR NOT ARGUE WHO I'M WITH"  He shouted at the army. they huffed only for him to do his wolf glare which has gotten hell a strong. they flinched and backed away and got out here weapons to fight while some turned back into their beast form.

" End, Geae surrender please." He asked them Geae ran to the other side and drop to her knees in front of Percy begging and pleading for forgiveness.

" Swear your loyalty to Chaos and me on his name." He said looking at her. she swore and stood next to him. " Any one else want to join my side and swear loyalty to me." He said looking at them. the Giants followed there mother and did the same thing as she. the Titans were stubborn so they spit in front of Percy which cause in uproar. 

" Fine so be it." He said charging with his sword raised high.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 28, 2014 ⏰

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