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HEY GUYS I'M HERE'S IN UPDATE AFTER SO LONG thanks for reading and stay alive Castlemain out. and shout out to DEADORALIVE1234 


I was teleported to a training room by Chaos. I was fuming that I was revealed by a lowly Titan. Chaos shook his head and pulled on a lever as soon as he did that millions of training drones appeared. Chaos pulled out his sword and stared at me.

" This time you will train against me and the Drones." Chaos said looking at ,e before he charged I pulled out my blades and met him head on I duck under his slash. He parried my thrust.  drone tried to hit me in the back but I did a 360 cutting his head off and blocking Chaos sword that would have taken of my arm. The archer let loose thousand upon thousands I was about to put up a force field.

" In here your Powers are negated you can only use your super strength which you have acquired and that inhuman speed as well. I will train you not rely on your powers and to channel your emotions to your strength and speed." He said as the arrows rained down I started blocking the arrows with my swords. but as I was blocking Chaos attacked me as well. It became a dance in the valley of arrows. not one arrow hit me or Chaos during our dance of death. Every blow was met every slashed blocked. I was getting tired and Chaos sensed this as he kicked my stomach causing me to fly allowing the arrows to pierce my skin. I cried in pain as the arrows hit non- vital areas. I was on my knees when Chaos told the drones to pause. He put a sword to my throat and said three words that I hate with a burning passion.

 " Do you yield." He stated looking at my bleeding form I looked up with fiery determination. I lunged at him knocking his sword out of his hand. he sighed and the drones attacked me. I cut through the drones like they were nothing tiring to get to Chaos himself. a drone that looked like me lunged at me and we fought. HE had all my moves and copied them down to the last detailed. I tried everything but they were counter. " I have to thing out side the box." I thought I started moving faster pushing my bloodied body to its limit till I saw a slip in his defense my defense I slashed there I was rewarded with the drone falling on one knee. at this I cut his head off still headed to Chaos looking at him trying to get to him but another stepped up to me It resembled Chaos. He moved like Chaos so I thought it was Chaos. We battled. I tried to cut his head off but I feinted at the last moment to cut his chest he realized it was a fake and blocked it. I slashed as he ducked and attempted to cut my midsection I jumped back but the real Chaos appeared out of nowhere punching me in the jaw. I was Dazed I raised my swords to block a down slash that would have cut me in half. the swords laid on the ground. Real Chaos kicked me on my back and glared at me.

" Is this all you have you only killed 2,00 out of 8,000. You need more practice." he said " Oh and do you yield now." He said looking at me sword at my throat. I nodded and the drones disappeared he stared at me and helped pick me up. once I was up he teleported me to a barren planet. This was Planet Zerta. On this Planet everything was huge and 1,000 stronger than normal things. I looked at Chaos. he particularly healed me before he spoke again.

" You will train here. both mentally and Physically. you will learned to willed the monster form in you. Once that is done we will do the first training again. I will visit along with other Primordial's to tell you how the world is. And this spot is the only spot that is safe for you ok. I hope you don't die before our first visit. 4 days on earth will be 4,000 years here." he Stated be fore leaving me alone. At that I dropped all of my commander gear. it was snowing but all I had on was shorts. I'm wasn't  cold but I was pissed. I ran forward to do my training that was 4,000 years. 


After Percy was gone I was livid at this camp and those stupid Titans. I looked at the camp with hate in my eyes.

" IT'S YOUR FAULT THIS HAS HAPPENED SCREW Y'ALL. YOU KNOW WHAT I'LL TRAIN Y'ALL TILL YOU DROP." I pointed at the God's " YOU WILL SLEEP WITH YOUR CHILDREN AND WAKE UP AND TRAIN WITH THEM. DO YOU UNDERSTAND." I screamed. I was fuming the gods looked at me with scared and nodded there heads. I walked to our cabin and sat on the couch and turned on thew ps4 and started playing madden 25 online. I was winning till a bull play happened. the ball lagged through my defends hand. I was pissed so I throw the controller and walked up stairs. Angel followed me into my room.

" Baby calm down ok. We will get through this together ok you have me and the angels behind you. We need to stay sane for Percy. He will need us to hold him down." Angel said kissing me I loved her and I'm glad that I have her with me or I would have a nervous breakdown. I heard a the horn for dinner and walked all the way there with the angels in tow. As we reached the dinning hall I looked at all the Gods and sat at the Chaos table with the rest. As I stood up Chaos appeared and looked at every one.

" Percy will be back in 4 days. but to him it will be 4,000 years. He will be stronger than me and The Primordial's. So be ready," Chaos stated before he left. all I thought was Percy will be OP

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