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Chapter 8: What Happens in Japan Stays in Japan

"What do you want to order?" Jungkook asks Taehyung with a raised eyebrow. He shouldn't look so handsome while making such a common gesture, really. It's unfair and distracting.

"Anything korean," he answers, his mouth watering at the idea of eating fried rice or even just beef. The other male nods in understanding, he too already missing the food from their country.

"Well, they aren't picking up," he says after a moment of silence. "I'll head downstairs to order. You...make yourself comfortable," he adds as he hangs up the phone and grabs his wallet from the bedside table.

Tae nods in return though the younger seems slightly unsure to leave him alone in his room; he stands in the middle of it, eyes moving from Taehyung to the wall behind him as the wheels turn on his head. With an offended huff the older says, "Again thinking I'm going to steal from you?"

"What?" he asks, taken aback. "No, it really isn't that. I just---I'll be back soon," he sighs irritated (At him? At himself?) slamming the door before Taehyung even has a chance to reply.

"Rude much?" Tae rolls his eyes as he takes out his phone to shoot Jimin another text. He has yet to reply to the one he sent him a few hours ago telling him about the blizzard.


Dude, u alive?

How did the blowjob go? (¬‿¬) 

He then puts his phone away once again, looking around the room for something to do. He could take a shower but he already did that back in his own room and also, he doesn't want to be naked when Jungkook gets back (his back still aches if he moves too much, thank you very much). Maybe watch some TV? Though japanese programs are weird as fuck. Eat something? Right, Jungkook is taking care of that.

And okay, maybe he shouldn't look around another person's room but he can't quite help his eyes from wandering and having something catch their attention. It's only natural and if anything, he should be the one to put his things away when there's someone else in the room (not that he knew he was coming but still). Then again, why does it even look interesting? Doesn't everyone have a journal? He probably writes his schedule or something. Only that, why would Jeon Jungkook have a schedule? He doesn't even do shit. Perhaps he writes ways to ruin Taehyung's life, now that would make sense...

Or, other guy's numbers. Yeah, that's probably it.

He wrote the most beautiful poems. Namjoon's voice is suddenly loud and clear on his head, the words from back at the office coming back to haunt him. He can't shake them off, they're a big part of why he even suggested having dinner together at all. Not just the writing thing, it's the fact that Jungkook seems to be so many things he never thought possible, and he can't help but want to know more.

Fuck it . Taehyung tries hard not to stand up and grab the dark leather-bound journal resting on the table but he's only human and his hard trying only lasts about ten seconds. He rushes to the small journal and opens it with shaky fingers, adrenaline coursing through his body as he pictures the ways Jungkook would kill him if he were to find him snooping around his stuff. Okay, so maybe that's why he didn't want him to stay here alone.

Taehyung finds a ton of blank pages, meaning this is either a notebook he just got or he doesn't write that often at all. But then he finally finds some pages covered in beautiful, black cursive, the writing is incredibly exquisite and looks as if to have been written using a ballpoint pen.

His smile was like a memory about to collapse,

like a building falling from the sky,

like a heartbeat, lost and found.

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