The origin

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Many years ago, there were two dwarves who lived in a village.

However one day the wife discovered her husband with another woman and younger. This made his mind break completely. The next day he committed suicide.

The family of the young woman became sad and discovered the infidelities of the husband. So they decided to take justice into their own hands.

They kidnapped the dwarf and hid him in a place in the forest to torture him.

  Until one day they decided to kill him ...

His mother-in-law grabbed a sword and cut off his mouth, while he kept screaming in pain.

The woman told him before he died: Now, who would think you're beautiful?  

That day, they went home, they felt satisfied, they decided to hide the body in the forest in the morning.

However, that did n't happen...

One day, some kids walked near the house and they felt a very bad smell, they called the police, but what they found left them horrified ...

Mutilated bodies in the living room, the bedrooms and the bathroom ...

The police could not find the killer ...

It seemed the perfect crime ...

  "They also didn't find the body of the tortured dwarf ...  "

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