Freedom and encounter

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Sleepy was relieved to be with his friends. However, he did not seem so happy.

- "What's up, Sleepy?" Asked Happy.

- "Nothing ..." Sleepy said in a low voice.

During the night they got ready to return to Jollywood.

Sleepy stayed by the mine cart.

However something caught Sleepy's attention. Someone was under a tree, Sleepy decided to approach, but disappeared ...

-"Where could it be?" Sleepy looked around, saw no one.

However he heard a scream.

The dwarf ran where he heard the scream, upon arriving he saw a dwarf holding a girl's arm.

-"Leave her!" Sleepy said, he soon realized that he looked like him.

While the girl struggled, accidentally ripped the mask from the dwarf's face, Sleepy saw with horror the great wound of the dwarf, his wound runs all over his face from ear to ear. 

Then the dwarf took out scissors and stabbed the girl in front of Sleepy who was completely horrified.

The girl died shortly after the other 7Ds arrived.

Sleepy explained to his friends what he saw. Everyone could not believe it.

- "Really, you saw him?" Asked Bashful, Sleepy just nodded somewhat nervously.

But nobody knew that this was just the beginning.

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