The truth...

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- "Grandpa ..." said Sleepy, his grandfather looked at him.

- "I knew that this day would arrive ..." Finally the grandfather spoke.

-"What are you talking about?" Asked Sleepy.

Sleepy's grandfather just looked at him and then looked at the rest. "Sit down ..."

The dwarves just sat down to listen to what he had to tell.

- "A long time ago my other son left to look for a better life ... and so it was, he sent me a letter where he told me that he got a good job and that he met a beautiful girl and that they would get married.

But I knew that their relationship was not going to end well ...

When I went to look for him, they told me that his wife committed suicide and that he disappeared, but I did not believe them, until months later they found the whole family dead ... but my son, they never found him ... "

After telling everything, Sleepy's grandfather looked at his grandson.

- "Then that dwarf of the mask must be your son and my ..." Sleepy looked at his friends.

- "Your uncle ..." Doc said.

The 7D already has enough information, they decided to go to the town where supposedly the ghost dwarf.

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