Trying to find the truth

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During the night, a girl walked through a cemetery, however she found the dwarf ...

-"I'm Beautiful...?" The girl did not know how to respond, so she said yes, but that was her mistake ...

The dwarf removed the cloth mask, causing the girl to screamed in horror, before she can run, he grabs her and cuts her mouth making a big wound in his mouth. The girl ran away, but with much pain.

The next morning, they found his body in front of his house.

The 7D who still did not leave the town, decided to help them find the killer.

The 7D went everywhere, Sleepy helped Dopey and Doc in the library, a newspaper called his attention. This newspaper had the title "Massacre in the blue house".

Sleepy read the newspaper, realized that they killed a member before the family, but they never found the body. The next page that he saw left him open-mouthed, and he dropped the newspaper.

Dopey and Doc approached ... "Sleepy what's wrong?" Doc asked worriedly. Dopey saw a picture of a very happy couple marrying, the boyfriend looked like Sleepy.

Doc looked at the picture ...

- "He looks like you ..." Doc said.

Sleepy did not know what to say all he wanted to know is who he was ...

- "Let's go back to Jollywood ..." Sleepy said in a low voice. Then, he grabbed the photo and took it with them.

Sleepy knew who could answer that.

They arrived in Jollywood, the dwarves went to see their grandparents.

Sleepy was the first to enter ...

-"Grandfather!" Sleepy went looking for him until he found it.

Sleepy's grandfather woke up when he hear his grandson.

- "I need to show you something ..." Sleepy's grandfather did not know what he wanted to show him, until he saw the picture and almost had a heart attack.

The 7D saw the reaction of Sleepy's grandfather, he did know who he was.

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