Couple Swap: It's Not a Disease

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More couple swap because this au is my life now

{Tw: Swearing, Homophobia, violence}

When Jeremy woke up, he realized he'd fallen asleep at Michael's again. Good thing it was the weekend.

And... they were supposed to go see if the Squip wasn't a scam. Of course, Jeremy knew just how real the Squip was; his stepbrother had taken one. And now he was... Jeremy didn't want to think about it. He was just hoping the hookup wasn't there anymore, because if it was, Michael would get one and he did not want to think about how that would go.

Jeremy got up, trying his best not to wake up Michael, who had fallen asleep on the beanbag beside him. He was walking upstairs when he heard Mr. and Mrs. Heere arguing.

"I just don't want that boy infecting our son with the sin people call homosexuality!" He heard Mr. Heere say, and immediately knew he was talking about him.

"Mike, Jeremy is Michael's best, not to mention only friend. I'm not going to let you take him away from my son just because you think his orientation is wrong." Mrs. Heere shot back.

"Maganda, he's a gay peice of shit and I will not have him around my son." Mr. Heere said, and Jeremy flinched, his shoulders slumping. How did Michael live with his father?

"Mike, shut your damn mouth and don't you ever call that boy shit again. He is a good kid and I'm glad he's friends with Michael. End of discussion." Mrs. Heere said, and he heard her walking towards the basement stairs.

He went to make his way back down, but she'd already opened the door.

"Oh, Jeremy, did you hear that?" She said, a sad look on her face.

Jeremy felt the tears fall down his face, and she pulled him into a hug, already knowing all that he'd heard.

"Honey, don't listen to him. There is nothing wrong with you, you are beautiful and your orientation is valid." She said, rubbing circles on his back as he managed to stop crying.

"T-thanks, Mrs. Heere." He said, smiling weakly at her. She smiled back.


Jeremy parked his Volkswagen Beetle in the driveway of his house, his black headphones blasting music in his ears. He was supposed to drive Michael home after they'd looked at the Payless, but when Jeremy went to find him, he'd been talking with Brooke and Chloe, and didn't even seem to notice when Jeremy had called for him.

So he'd left, his heart breaking a little at the fact that his friend had ignored him. He grabbed the cans of Crystal Pepsi from the passenger seat, setting them on the table as he went in. Both his dad and Heidi were home, and came over to give him hugs when he'd came in.

"Where's Michael? Didn't he go to the mall with you?" Heidi asked, looking at her stepson in confusion.

"He- we left separately." Jeremy said quietly, avoiding eye contact with both of his parents.

"Did something happen with Mr. Heere while you were over there?" Paul asked softly, reading his son quite easily.

So Jeremy told them what happened, getting more upset as he went on.

"I just don't get why he can't accept it! I mean, Michael is gay. But because of his dad, he has himself convinced that he likes Jenna Canigula from school! And- and I can tell it's h-hurting him.. I can see it in his face.." There were tears falling down Jeremy's face, and Mr. and Mrs. Mell could tell how much the situation was upsetting him.

His parents got up and pulled him into a hug, and he started crying even more. Both of them knew how much Jeremy loved Michael, and knew it was crushing him to see his crush in such an unhappy situation.

"It's ok, son. It'll get better, I promise." Heidi said, hugging Jeremy tighter.


Maganda walked back into her house and shut the door, glad that she'd convinced Jeremy to try and help Michael through whatever was going on with him.

Mr. Heere was sitting at the dining room table and looked up at his wife when she came in. "What were you out doing?"

"Oh, I was just talking to Jeremy." She said, walking into the living room.

Mr. Heere made a face of disgust. "I'm glad Michael isn't friends with that gay peice of shit anymore."

Maganda stopped in her tracks. She turned around and looked at her husband, face full of rage. "I told you not to call him that again."

"It's true, Maganda. I don't get why his parents don't send him to a correction camp to get that shit straightened out."

"Jeremy might be our only way to help Michael with what he's going through. I don't give a damn what you say about him, that kid is sensitive and your insults towards him is not helping with his self esteem."

"I don't fucking care. Let him think he's shit, the world would be better off without him."

Maganda did it so quickly he only felt the sting. All that rage that had built up inside of her finally snapped, and she slapped him. He was shocked, to say the least.

"Don't you ever, ever wish death on a child. I don't care how much you hate them, you do not wish anyone dead, especially a child who already has those thoughts every day." Maganda hissed, seething.

"Why do you care?" He said, a hint of sarcasm in his voice.

She looked him dead in the eye. "We're getting a divorce." She said, then left the house again.

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