Be More Magical

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When Jeremy turned eleven, he finally got his letter, and found himself being sorted at Hogwarts.
When the hat calls out, “Slytherin!”, his first thought is of shock and horror. Would his parents let him come home?
He’d been told Slytherins were evil his whole life
He just sits alone at the table, scared of everything, of being away from home for the first time.
This kid sits down beside him, and he's wearing... blue? He's not in his house, why is he even talking to him?
The kid introduces himself as Jake, and assures little Jeremy that “He isn't evil, he's just super ambitious! And he'll probably do amazing things for the wizarding world! And don't worry, I'll be here if you need anyone to talk to.”
And Jeremy goes to bed that night feeling more at home than ever, and the year is amazing, and apparently slytherins aren't as bad as he thought,  they're actually pretty nice.

Second year, this cute girl named Jenna joins their house. Once Jeremy talks to her, he swears he's gonna protect her with his life, because this girl is all gossip and chatter and needs to be kept away from Chloe at all costs so she can't corrupt her. When Jeremy finds out she's Homo-Ace, she helps him figure out that he's bi, both of them help Jake figure out that he's pan, and the three kids have never been closer.

Year three rolls around, and these two absolutely adorable kids are sorted into Hufflepuff and Jake takes a cute blonde first year under his wing.
Jake and Brooke have to drag the two Slytherins over to the Hufflepuff table one day so they can get the two of them to talk to their huge crushes.
The Hufflepuffs are very accepting of these slytherin kids bc they aren't all that bad, and Jeremy and Jenna are tomato red because, ‘god, Christine and Michael are adorable names.’
They finally talk to them and the two first-years are confused as to why the toughest kids they've ever met go all mushy around them, but don't dare to ask.

Fourth year, Jake takes notice of a fiery new gryffindor first-year.
He is the only one who actually gets up the nerve to talk to his crush out of the three, and he shoves it in their faces.
Rich is so small, but don't you dare tell him that, or you'll get pummeled.
They also got a new potions professor this year, but nothing could go wrong, right?


I've got something up my sleeve


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