part 3

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"mom say you have some problems with calming. What that mean?" I say. "Well you know i drive car and well because of that i had 10 traffic accidents but i do not get penalties because doctor tell me that nothing can help me. So when i get mad or something the best for me is to stay home but i broke stuf then and yeah..." He say. "Oh" "go sleep now tomorow is school" he say.

I go in my room and fall asleep. I wake up with strange feeling because of school. I am not nervous but i have bad feeling for something.

I go downstairs and i eat and then i go. Krisi alredy wait for me. "i can't wait to meet you with boys" she say. "haha clam down" i say. "You will fall in love with them" she say. I didn't fall in love for 3 years because i can't get over him but maybe i need try again.

We walk in school and she look around. "Your locker is bwside mine and they locker are beside mine too so maybe they are there." She say. "come" she say and drag me with she.

"Look they are there" she say and show me two boys. My heart stop at moment. "I don't want to meet them" i say. "they are not that bad come" she say "no i..." "Krisi" someone yell. "Come" she say and run to him and hug him.

Well my life will end again. Why he need to be here? That smile, hair, eyes,... Everything... Come to my minds.

I come to them and Martinus hug me and spin me around. "omg i didn't saw you 3 years" he say with smile. "Yeah it's nice to see you again" i say. "You know echoder" Krisi ask. "yes of course" he say. Then i look at Marcus and girl beside him. It need to be Anna like Krisi say.

Do Marcus will be happy to see her again or no??

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