part 9

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We look at echoder for some seconds before he say "Ivanela i have crush on you since you come in school and i want to ask you will you be my girlfriend" i realy wanted to say yes but i need to tell him about kids bit i don't want now. "Look in my past hapined something bad and happy in same time and of you will be my boyfriend i will need to tell you but i am not ready" i say. "I understand" he say.

"Can we maybe stay like friends with benefits" he ask. "maybe" i say and kiss him. "i need go home now" he say and kiss me one more time. He go home and i smile like crazy. "Do you get boyfriend" mom ask. "No ... Yet" i say and she just smile.

I go up to my room and go sleep but before i text Krisi and Martinus what hapined. Krisi was happy but Martinus say that it's not good. Gabriel is kind but who know maybe he act like that.

Next day when i wake up i didn't can found something and when i open tray i saw necklace what Marcus give me.


"Marcus" i yell and hug him. "I buy you something" he say. "No you don't need" "i know but i wanted" he say and give me little box. I open and there is necklace in the shape of heart. "It can open" he say. I open and there is picture of me and him and there is written "together no whatever happened" and his name when it's closed. "Thank you" i say


He give it to me 1 month after we become girlfriend and boyfriend. I miss time we had together. When we had fun and when we was happy. I put it on but i hide it in my shirt because of his name on it.

Do someone will notice necklace?

let me explainTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon