The Chase by bubblesirwin

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The Chase || Ashton Irwin - bubblesirwin


Oh my god. Can I just say how magnificent this story is? It's a fucking piece of art (sorry for the language, it's 5 am and I stayed up too late reading this story okay) and it's just so wonderful. It's just like a real book. Literally. Besides the fact the boys are in it, it could almost pass for a legit teen novel. almost. but anyways i tend to shy away from [au] type stories for some reason. I have no idea why, but that was the reason I was a bit reluctant to pick up this book. Obviously, I picked it up today and I AM SO FUCKING HOOOKED. It is amazing and I'm rambling sorry okay bye goodnight people but fan bubblesirwin and if you do not check out "The Chase" I will hunt down and personally murder all of you. ....Okay, not really. But seriously. Please check it out. THANK YOU! Goddammit. I'm mad because it's too late/early in the night/morning and i want to finish this fanfiction but I CAN'T I have to GO TO BED. I promise I'm done rambling... No more bad review rambles... Promise...


"Welcome to the chase. Might as well just call it Hell."

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