Groupie? // 5SOS by cliffordofmuke

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Groupie? // 5SOS - cliffordofmuke


 okay, so sorry about the title, don't attack me. I know there's a lot of shit across the social media and internet about 5sos and groupies but i'd like to ignore that topic right now. the boys are all good people and just because they get laid a few times (i'm trying to grasp this situation, sorry guys) that doesn't mean they don't love us anymore. btw, ignore that 5sos- spilled blog on tumblr or whatever. it's basically hating on everything the guys are doing and saying fame is taking over them. FAME IS NOT TAKING OVER THEM. It's not their fault! GAH! Not to sound like there's anything wrong with the fanfic title D: I just don't want to stir up shit.

OKAY, BACK TO THE STORY, sorry, i just didn't want people to think I was like IDK i just don't want shit in the comments about 5sos v. groupies. THIS STORY IS SO AWESOME! It's actually really good, and I haven't read a book like this in a long while (with this format) but I miss them. I've been caught up in au's and stuff (which I oddly enough remember disliking for some reason) but I miss these kinda books. It's not really different from any other book, lol, I just mean the fact that they're actually famous in this book is different from most of the recent aus i've read. OKAY, I'LL STOP BLATHERING, SORRY! The author is a bae, you should all go and follow her, and read the story! It's awesomesauce!


Joining the tour was never part of my plan. My plan was sex and that's all. But for some reason they took a liking to me. I'm no longer, "just a groupie."   

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