savagery // 5sos {au} by mukefeels

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savagery // 5sos {au} - mukefeels


savagery is such a beautiful story. people die, shit happens, everyone's hurt and there's pyschos running around in a motherfucking creepy house. as i said, beautiful. i highly recommend it for anyone who loves being scared shitless. i myself was too scared to get out of my bed and even go down the stairs to get water or go to the bathroom. so basically i fell asleep with my lights on. so if you love that stuff, by all means, READ ON! also, if you love seeing 3/4 killed in coldblooded murder that's so awesome as well. obviously  i'm being sarcasic here but this story really is well written. if you're into the horror side of fanfiction, this story's for you. it's awesome and i think y'all should read it. I put the summary thingy below but I added the rest of the poem, because well, the summary's a poem, but only one bit was at the description... anyways....



Eight kids just having fun

They didn't listen to anyone

Followed the noises through the night

Didn't bother to think if it was right

Now tortured and abused

Leaving them all scared and confused

And with the blood that they shed

One by one, they'll all be dead.



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