That Surprise That Really Isn't A Surprise That I Was Kind Of Not Clear About

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That Surprise That Really Isn't A Surprise That I Was Kind Of Not Clear About And Yeah

so hey, beautifuls..... hope y'all are doing awesome!!!!  [EVERYTHING IS AWESOME!!!~ Lego Movie reference, sorry I had to bc I'm thinking of Ash right now k]

So yeah last chapter I wasn't very clear about what I was trying to say but um hey I have a cute thing to like tell all of you..... [sorry i'm procrastinating, i'm such a bitch, ik]

So you all probably know about hemmo1996, Luke's old account on Youtube, that 5SOS sometimes still use to post vids bc a lot of people follow it.....

And if not, well, you know now.

ANYWAYS, sorry for being annoying.

So well, Five Seconds of Summer [not the VEVO one] is 5SOS's main source of vids besides Music Videos on Youtube. And there are lots of fetus adorable videos of mikey, cal, ash, and luke on there....


But did you know that ashton used to have a youtube account with his music before he joined 5sauce? YEAH, YOU HEARD ME RIGHT.



idk if the vids on there are from when he was with that Swallow the Goldfish band or what, but they're so fucking adorable. the name is


and yes it's all in caps and yes there is a exclamation point after it.

don't know why i had to clarify that but i felt like it so...


yeah. you all go and check it out! ASHTON SINGS OKAY, WITH HIS FRIENDS BEFORE 5SOS!

And btw.... the cutest thing ever is the last video he posted on there was 5sos playing at the annendale hotel....their first gig... and he recorded them himself....



I mean yeah he was drumming for some of the gig but the other parts he recorded Cal, Luke, and Mikey and literally I was like BAWLING MY EYES OUT.


so fucking anyways, the videos are so cute because like all the little notes and shit are in caps, and he seems so excitable... when he sings he just like flails his arms out sometimes and it's so cute but i feel bad for that Will kid that's in all of his videos bc like now ash's famous and he isn't...

it's depressing really.

SO I JUST WANTED TO TELL YOU THAT!!!!!! On the side I'm posting ashton singing in one of his vids, just click the link on the vid to go to Youtube where you can subscribe to the channel and shit and view all his fetus singing like it made me cry.


I have no fucking idea why I just found this out now and I have no fucking idea why none of our fandom talks about this anymore like it's so fucking cute like wtf


BTW I'm going to do a few more updates like this with like a few other YouTube discoveries bc I'm bored and I don't want you to be bored waiting for an update from me and yeah... just to clear shit up.

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