hell ; a.i. by mashtxn

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hell ; a.i. - mashtxn


so. this story is plain awesome. it's really really really good and it's actually extremely interesting.NOT TO MENTION ASHTON LOOKS CUTE AND HOT AS FUCK ON HER COVER. sorry. right now i'm kinda pissed at ashton (in the fanfics. it's his birthday so in rl how can i be pissed) and all that shiz and this needs to be updated but that's BESIDES the point. it's creative and as kids ashton and maely are the most adorable friends everrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. It's so cute and i ship them so hard. Even Lukey boy and her aren't AS CUTE AS THAT. okay, enough of the fangirling, i think i'm rambling, god, sorry. but anyways HUGS TO MASHTXN I THINK THIS IS HER SECOND OR POSSIBLY THIRD BOOK THAT HAS MADE IT INTO MY MUST- READS! SHE DESERVES FOLLOWS AND HUGS AND PONIES AND SPRINKLES WITH LUKE HEMMINGS ON TOP. dammit. luke hemmings would look hot as hell in a tub of ice cream. WHAT HTE FUCK SORRY SORRY SORRY it's12:30 am k just a little bit sleep deprived since i stayed up until four am yesterday and woke up at seven. don't hate me, appreciate me. summary thingy below. again, thank you all so fucking much for getting me to #600 on the Random category.


"you're going to hell, ashton irwin."

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