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For a moment the three of us froze. Then we ran. He at us, we away. The lad grabbed one of us by the arm with each hand. Lights were now turning on in the farm; any moment now the farmer could emerge and then we'd have a real problem. The boy was strong, but I was stronger, and with one quick twist I was free – thank you Sabrina. In his moment of surprise I managed to pull Cleo away and together we ran. Towards Jas who would safely fly us away.

Only, we had forgotten the dog. With a howl he came bounding towards us, as the whole household awakened and was screaming "Thief!".

I tried to undo the shield that made me look human, as the dog would recognise me and stop. It came closer and closer, and I failed in revealing myself.


Jasmin. Get over here now.

She didn't reply. Hopefully that meant she was on her way

A scream sounded as the dog jumped on top of Cleo, trampling her. I turned back to help, and by the time I'd gotten the dog off her, we were surrounded by angry looking farmer's sons and the man himself. His wife and a little daughter stood there too, with a spade in hand. One of the boys held a flaming torch, which reflected in everyones eyes. The fire called me, but it wasn't a weapon I could use now.


They did look rather surprised, though; Cleo's hood had fallen off, revealing that she was just a little girl. I, however, was still anonymous. Hopefully that was an advantage.

Where was Jasmin?


No reply. Wait a second.

Hello dog.

The dog practically jumped and started barking fearfully.

What's your name?

They call me Junior Brown. Are you one of them? The ones that treat us best? He looked at me with wide, deep-brown eyes.

Yes, I suppose I am.

So sorry to hurt your friend and chase you both. If I had known...

No need to be sorry. There is no way you could've told. If you could do something for me I'd be very grateful.


Go and find the white pegasus that smells slightly of jasmine, and tell her that Lyss needs her.

I will search with pleasure.

Thank you.

This exchange had found place in less than half a minute, and when Junior Brown ran off the farmers were most surprised. Not enough to distract them fully, alas.

"Who are ye?" the farmer barked.

I answered with silence.

"What makes ye think ye'ave the right to tread on me land and steal me goods, all me own hard work? And involvin' a little innocent girl in the process? Ye'll pay for it, sure that is. Woman, take the girl. Lads, show the other a thief's reward around here. Make good sure he don't forget it."

The chance that those five lads had half my skills was small, but they were with more, and I didn't really want to hurt them. I searched the ground for a stick, only to be disappointed by it's absence. And Jasmin's.


Where in the world was she hanging out? I mean, seriously? At this critical moment when she really couldn't be missed?

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