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"Alyssa, wake up," a voice, far away, whispered.


"Please, Lyss," another. "It's been two weeks."

Two weeks... what did that mean? Oh.


Why not.

But it was so nice here.

They need you.

I inwardly sighed. Fuck off.

Don't think of just yourself.

Alright alright.

Without a sound I opened my eyes. Two similar faces hung above mine, looking hopeful. A third joined them, black hair tied in a bun. What a contrast, black, auburn and ginger. Not really.

Someone gently shook me.

"Hello," I said, my voice shaky. Sighs of relief followed. "I had the most wonderful time."

"Well we sure didn't." Flynn received a shove from his twin.

"How do you feel?" Laura informed.


"In what way?"

"I don't know."

"Are you hungry?"

"Should I be?"

"Yes," said Fly. Another shove.

"Okay then. What do you have?"

"What would ya like?"

"Anything is good."

They helped me to sit up and handed me nectarine slices, which I ate with taste. Then I got blood oranges, which I ate quite savagely, the juice dripping down my chin.

"You lived off sun and water for too long a time, at your age," Rosalinda said. "Your body will have to recover, I estimate a week. Be careful. I will come by later, to explain a few matters. Eat and rest now."

I did.


Resting didn't mean sleeping, though. Thinking, yes, while staring at the landscape outside. I lay with my head at the wrong end of the bed, my head resting on my folded arms. It was a sunny afternoon and I watched the breeze dance through the meadow like a cheeky young lad, twirling one maiden then flattering the next, before picking a poppy for the one most vexed. A dance of passion, a dance of love, a dance so cherished, by all the above.

A tall red figure glided through the long grass, gently picking her way. Such elegance, a dow one may say. A dow with black fur, and a coat of blood, landed on my terrace, with hardly a thud.

"Good day," said she. "Is all well?"

"Yes certainly," said I. "What do you wish to tell?"

"A tale of the Elements, and Earth's great power. You felt it, loved it – as you should – but because you do not yet know how to deal with it, it overwhelmed and became to much for you to take. It happens now and then, between you youngsters, very occasionally it befalls one with more experience. I know how it feels, Alyssa, that your heart and soul long for it. It is like a drug; you'll always want more. The memory will always linger at the edge of your consciousness, nagging for another taste. That you will have, but only in small portions, when you have mastered not killing yourself. Now, you can not die, but being on the verge is not pleasant, believe me. It can be very damaging, so please only use deeper levels when under our supervision. Is that understood?"

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