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Nice and tight, like a proper knot should be.

Each end of the recurve bow had been tied securely to a branch, and it now lay horizontally, ready for sanding. Flynn observed me from a few paces away, making me a little nervous.

"So I just whizz the air up and around?" I asked.

"Yep," replied he.


I closed my eyes and concentrated. All around me was life, a buzz I felt in my soul. I was one with that life, and we would help each other, no matter what. When I peeked through my lashes I saw a tiny whirlwind in front of me, but as soon as I lost concentration it collapsed. Try again. After a few more unsuccessful attempts I managed to get it up into the air, only when I didn't feel the total oneness it collapsed again. Feeling, being one with the earth was such an important part in Niandori life and culture. Without it the Elements wouldn't help us. Without it, we wouldn't be who we were. Without it we'd be nothing, nothing at all.

Going back into the full concentration, I steered the whirling sand upward, but it wouldn't budge. I tried and tried, but it kept refusing. What was I doing wrong?

Don't push. Just be.

I was. I let the energy of the world run through me, cleanse me, renew me. In that connected moment all felt effortless, and I felt the air around me begin to stir. Faster and faster, and I opened my eyes slightly to a wall of sand, spinning around me in a tornado. My cloak disappeared and I vaguely saw it hit a figure that was shouting my name, causing the corners of my mouth to twitch, although I didn't really grasp what was going on. I was in another world, one where everything was so pure, and the opportunities endless. Nor good neither bad did exist, nor did anything else of material matters. I felt it in my heart; a great longing to stay in that place forever, to find there my peace. So near, I was, to leaving, so near, I was, to death.

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