For my heart should persevere..

120 19 24

Oh my beloved TREASURE,
I believe you'd be worth the wait
I believe you'd be worth the agony
I believe in this forbearance
I believe in our qadr
I believe like how a believer should
I believe like the past never existed
Oh but wait..
Isn't the past is what gives my belief it's truest value?
I sense deeply what has occurred
And I'm not gonna try neglecting what is known to be a fact.
There are many an empty hole in my qalb - no denial.
Yet I can't help but cherish the certainty,
That your mere existence in my life would dissolve the angst..
The dreams I built long before aren't  fragile enough to be demolished by a mere scavenger!
I get weary, exhausted, anxious and probed..
A few tears shed every now and then, owing to disappointments and fresh hurt.
Still subhanallah, it is the same heart that constricts with pain, brims with honour of being tested & tried!
Thus my belief in our Rabb strengthens my belief in our blessed future.. near or far.

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