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Is it really that bad to believe in people quiet easily?

Even when you come across certain dark shades here and there, you try to overlook those and only focus on the brighter picture..

Even when your politeness and kind gestures doesn't match theirs..

Even when they take your willing presence for granted..

I can't put my finger on it, but it has almost always been that way.. I trust people quickly and keep covering up their mistakes as much as possible.

It's something which I don't want to change about myself even if there are countable incidents were I've been clearly cheated upon.
But that's definitely better than bearing a heavy, suspicious and judgemental head.. I feel so.

Because, peace before profit is my thing.

Having said that, where it's already difficult for me to give up on people whom I only faintly appreciate, what am I supposed to do with the ones who have literally made my heart skip beats?? - In a good sense, alright!

Like seriously, I don't know how I would stop defending them.

Not my fault.. Some people are just surprisingly exemplary (Masha Allah)!
And why not give your all to stand by their views?

After all, we're supposed to be supportive of each other, specifically when it comes to protecting/uplifting one's deen right?

Please share your opinions on how or whether you'd find it comfortable to defend people whom you hardly know but are truly impressed by their motives and choices in their life.

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