In sha Allah

56 7 14

So the following would be my 8 affirmations on the coming 8th, in sha Allah

"So be patient with a beautiful patience

Allah is greater, not this pain.

Allah gives it to u cuz u CAN bear it..
He does not charge any soul beyond it could bear.

Take the pain as an exhilarating experience.. There's nothing demandingly amazing as this!

Your pain is not your worry.. It's slowly taking you close to meeting your bundle of joy, in sha Allah

You're a soldier.. A brave one at that! Always remember that Allah gives his hardest battles to his strongest soldiers

Your strength lies in your MIND not your body.. So even if u're extremely tired, glorify Allah and NEVER LOSE HOPE, let alone feel anxious..

Fear Allah not the labour pain.. With every ounce of pain he forgives ur past sins.. REJOICE!"

P. S. I'm due with my baby's arrival on April 8th in sha Allah!

I request anyone who reads to make dua that the whole delivery process be bearable and safe for myself and the lil one.

Jazakallahu khair in advance my fellow muslimahs ❤

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 05, 2020 ⏰

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