The value of Istikhara

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How well do we depend on Allah's plans?

And do we sometimes find it hard to accept His most valuable decree?

All of this is because, we create a picture in our mind and build 'castles in the air'.

You may not get to see the hurt and the dangers that are waiting down that same line! - just because it's your version of a 'suitable something' that you believe in.

Allah is All-knowing and All-wise and that is why you depend on his decision and do your istikhara, isn't it?

But also MOST IMPORTANTLY, the one that Allah has not facilitated for you may not be the best for you, but definitely be the best asset for someone else out there!!! - So its VERY essential to not belittle a thing/person just because it's not good FOR YOU.

Ultimately our objective is to reach out to our Rabb and do anything that will aid and promote our Imaan and closeness to Him.

Hurts and pressures are mere evidences that Allah wants us to exercise more patience and to recast ourselves in becoming his beloved slaves, that he would boast about to his angels ❤ - Won't you then love that?

So to ANYONE who's finding it hard to accept Allah's plans..


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