More to me!

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Yes, you guessed it right!

Here comes a list of 20 facts on me..

1) I'm one of those very few desi muslimas who pathetically doesn't know Urdu yet 😐

2) My profession hardly let's me have my me-time, let alone be on track with my wattpadd account 🙄

3) Nevertheless I try to catch up in a week's time the unattended entries of my lovely authors here

4) It may sound cliche, but trust me when I say that I found my best set of girls from wattpadd and I love them from the depth of my heart, for Allah's sake ❤️😍

5) English and biology had always been my favourite subjects at school, Civics being my least favourite - One of the reasons why I find it hard to like or understand anything to do with politics 🙈

6) I totally love food photography even though I have a poor appetite 😁

7) I've had a near death experience.. almost slipped down an engaged railway track accidentally and had made my fellow mates go numb! - Alhamdhulillah I've sustained the event without a single graze on my skin.. still unfanthomable *shudders*

8) Have you known the perks and pressures of a single child? Well Im one, ask me about it 🤷🏻‍♀

9) I belong to a down south state of India, but annoyingly doesn't look native 😑

10) I wear optical glasses all the time, except for the nap time of course.. Been wearing since the age of five 🤓

11) Its funny that I feel more connected with girls either few years younger to me or few years elder to me.. Been happening since school time 😁

12) As much as I'm obsessed with kittens, I'm totally freaked out by even the thought of lizards 😨

13) If you ask me what has been the hardest for me to give up in life, its music! I used to be so much fond of music that I used to play 3 musical instruments fluently and was quiet a singer during school days.. I now feel proud that I was able to chuck it out from my life, for Allah's sake. Alhamdhulillah

14) My teachers had always thought of me to be innocent and sweet - well it's partly true but no one knew how I silently notice everything and give off a neutral vibe.

15) Never been out of country yet and rarely travels out of station.. May be 4 - 5 times so far

16) I suck at routes and destinations.. you can blame my very rare occasions of travelling outside 😂

17) There is always something truly engaging about reading stories.. but it was only lately I knew it was a mode of escape and of course a source of hope - Thanks to the lovely and talented authors, Masha Allah

18) I say I love purple.. but I like almost all colours 😬

19) I'm one of the few again to not like rainy season, specially when it rains in my place - It get mushy and yucky, you have no idea until you witness how it is 😖

20) If you're still wondering what my profession is.. I'm a doctor, specifically a pathologist in the making.

Alhamdhulillah its done.. been tagged by two of my buddies from quiet a long time!

And now I'm tagging
Sajdah18 __Miss_Fantasy__ shafia97 shehnaz98 UmmSuleim x__Maryam__x phardowsa

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