Chapter Nineteen

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Kai and I hold hands as we leave Bonnie bleeding out on the ground. We make our way to his car and I get in the passenger's seat while Kai gets in the driver's seat.

We waste no time speeding to the nearest airport. When we do get to the airport, Kai lets me fly the plane so that he can take a quick nap. Honestly, I prefer flying a plane over driving. Less stressful, in my opinion.

I made it back to Mystic Falls within a few hours. Once I landed the plane, I had to wake Kai up. I shook his shoulder but he didn't wake up. I slapped his check and still nothing.

I let out a sigh, "You're doing this on purpose, aren't you?" I then lend down and kissed him.

Kai opened his eyes and stared at me after I pulled away, "You should wake me up more often." He stands up, "I see that you landed us safety." I nodded and led him out of the plane.

We walked side by side to the caves. The eclipse would see be right above us, it's now or never. "Do you think, after we get out, I'll get my magic back?" I asked Kai. I am nothing without my magic.

Kai looked down at me, "If you don't get your magic back when we get out then after I win the merge I'll find a spell to give you magic again." I smile at him and we continue walking.

We enter the cave and Kai pulls out the ascendant. We stand in front of each other still holding hands. Kai pours Bonnie's blood onto the ascendant and it activates.

This is finally happening. We're getting out.

I hear Kai start to chant the spell and excitement washes over me.


Kai and I sit in the backseat of a taxi, Kai is chatting with the driver, "You ever worn skinny jeans? Agh. It seems wrong. I'm all bunched up. Also, why are jeans so tight when phones are so big?" I smile at him, I don't understand this world either.

"I don't know what to tell you, pal." The driver responded, he sounded annoyed at us.

"Oh, God. I'm that guy, right? That guy that won't shut up. Oh, I hate that guy. I just sat next to that guy on the plane. He was the worst. Hey. Speaking of planes, have you flown recently? Because what's with the whole liquid situation and the stripping before you go through security thing? It's weird." Kai rambles and I nod my head, why do we have to to do all of that?

"They're worried about terrorists."

I roll my eyes, "Ok. Well, I'm sorry, but the real terrorists are some of those people taking off their shoes." I chime in.

"I know we're, mostly me, chatty. Sorry. We've just been in prison for awhile. Not like a regular prison, you know, more like a..." Kai starts before the driver interrupt him. I look at Kai, knowing what he's thinking.

The driver pulls to a stop, "All right. We're here."

Kai tries to finish what he was saying, "Special kind of..." The driver interrupts again.

"That will be 30." Kai starts struggling to get money out of his pocket, he looks at me and I look in my pockets as well.

"All right. Jeans. Uh, will you take this? Hang on. Hang on. I got it. Oh. Hey. Gum. Nice." Kai pretends he's looking for money, but we just got to this world we don't have money.

"Come on, buddy. I don't have all day. Let's go." Kai glances over at me and I nod my head.

"I got it. Hold on. Huh. Well... I guess this will do." Kai pulls a pair of earbuds out of his pocket and suddenly uses them to choke the driver from behind. The man struggles for a bit but finally suffocates. Kai reaches around and puts one of the earbuds in the man's ear; we get out and Kai leans down toward the passenger side window, "Thank you."

Out of Time ❧ Kai Parker ✓Where stories live. Discover now