Chapter 10

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                      © 2014 by tore56789 (GOS) All rights reserved.

The memory troubled him.  He knew Jillian wanted to ring her later.  Just to check up if she was being a good girl, and taking her meds.  Because, Tobias, had kindness in his heart, he decided that phone call needed to take place. (He decided he would let the woman run on in automatic, use her medical skills, sisterly awareness, for that call)  He was sure too, he could easily weave another lie for Evelyn.  But first things first, he knew he needed now to reach her parents.

He sensed too, Evelyn, had a bi-polar disorder, or something like that, from looking into her sister’s hard drive, which hadn’t helped her relationships.  And after the calm, and the good times, had later driven her to do really stupid things.  He had a memory of the older sister, saying to her mother, when they were much younger.  As they from what he could tell, were separated by seven years.  That she would always look after Ev.  And to that she had kept her word, as a guardian to a girl of twenty nine years of age.  Whose good looks got her men, but whose illness drove them away afterwards.  He couldn’t help reflecting inside the woman, how that was such a bitter combination to live one’s life by.

Long ago, he had decided –again by the protocols he followed.  Never to be a puppeteer inside a host he governed.  And try and communicate with friends, family, of that person, directly through that host.  It was far wiser, too allow, the person to run on in automatic, with his suggestions, just being passed on mentally to that host.  That way, he came across far more believable.  Didn’t have to think of things, or search for information, in his host’s brain, in reply to someone’s questions. 

Jillian picked up the phone, after rolling herself across the bed to get to it.  She dialled.  Moments later she said, “Mummy, it's Jillian.”

“And where are you?!” the voice, elderly, said a little disappointed.  “Roger waited for like half an hour.  He even tried to ring your cell, but got transferred to your mailbox.”  She finished with, “Oh Jillian, you have really let me down this time.”

Roger was her father, from a second marriage, not her biological one, he quickly came to understand.  “I’m sorry Mummy,” she said showing emotion, “But Evelyn phoned to say she was feeling suicidal, and I rushed over there.”

“Is she okay?!” her mother said worried.

“She’s fine.  I gave her something that would calm her down, and make her sleep.”  She stopped for a pause, “If it’s alright with you and Roger.  I was thinking of staying to keep an eye on her for a few days.  I could head over to you then.  Oh, almost forgot, please tell Roger, I’m truly sorry for putting him out like that, and making him wait around needlessly.”

"He’ll understand.  I don’t know what is the right thing for Evelyn, though?  Sometimes I think maybe a short stay in a psychiatric hospital –with a good name that you are someone you trust could recommend.  Somewhere she could be properly treated, and helped.  I’m just scared, one day she’ll call someone, to reach out for help, and there will be no one there to pick up.”

“Mummy, it’s just she’s not taking her meds.  She’s perfectly fine when she does.”

“But Honey, you could talk to some people, hear what they would advise.” Her worry showed in her tone as she continued, “I’d die if we lost her, because we hadn’t acted sooner.”

“Mummy lets discuss it more, when I get there.”

“Okay love.  Please give her my love.  Tell her she’s always welcome to come and stay with me and Roger.  We’d both really love to have her.”

“I’ll tell her.  But you know how she will react to that?”

Her mother sympathised, then said, “Tell her anyway, Love, please.”

“Okay, I promise,” he heard the woman say into the mouthpiece.  Then with that, she replaced it back down onto its base.

Guilt hit him again, as the more he learnt of this bipolar sister, he had horrible images of her dangling from a taut rope, as he was trying to remove all ties from this woman for the next few days.  So he could carry out what he had taken over her body to accomplish.  He got a flash too of a memory towards the last of the conversation, which gave reason why Evelyn had fallen out with her mother.  It was because she blamed her for the divorce –as she sided afterwards with her biological father.

One down, he thought.  The good thing was, Tobias was now aware, if her husband rang her mother, or her partner, he would get that story.                         

Now he had to think about, dear, sweet, Evelyn! 

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