Chapter 4

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Someone slide there hand into mine. I lift my head, and I realize the persons holding my hand is Jacob.
"Hey Knightly" he says giving my a grin "how was the movie?"
"Um. It was good I guess." I reply " Why are you here?"
"Because I'm bringing you somewhere." He says it with confidence.
"And where might that be?" I ask giving him a smirk.
"That's for me to know and for you to find out."
"I can't Tessa's my ride home..." I protest
"I can drive you back if you want after. Come on it's Friday. It's the weekend."
I give him a small nod accepting the offer. I pull out my phone and text Tessa

To Tessa: Hey, Im getting a ride home from someone else. I will see you later this weekends!

I know I'm being vague on this but I haven't told her anything yet about Jacob or Emily.

"Ready?" Jacob asks
I nod and he open the theatre doors for me.

He still hasn't let go of my hand. What is this boy doing to me.

Jacob POV

Me and Summer Knightly are walking through the theatre parking lot holding hands. Holding hands. I still can't believe this girl. What is she doing to me.

She's stops infront of a black mustang.
"Omg that a sweet car." She says
"You like it?" I ask
She nods.
"Good because it's mine."
"Omg are you f**king kidding me?"
I laugh and I unlock the car, we both get in.
"So mister where are we going." She asks
I dont answer I just give her a small smile. I pull out of the parking lot and onto the road.

Summer POV

I have honestly no idea where he is taking me. All I know is that we have been on the road for about 30 minutes. We haven't talked about anything. It has just been quite. I look over at him. His hair is messy. (But a good kind of messy) and he's wearing black ripped jeans and a black hoodie.

We suddenly come to a stop and I look out my window. It's dark out so I can't see much. But I can see trees like everywhere. Jacob unbuckles so I follow his action. We both get out of the car. He walk over to me and then grabs my hand again. He pulls me with him into the woods where there is a little trail. We walk for about 3 minutes in silence when we can to a clearing. He stops so I stopped with him.
"We're here" he says
I look around. It's so beautiful here. You hear the wind, the trees, the grass moving. The stars are so beautiful. I get scared out of my thoughts when I feel an arm wrap around my waist. He brings me in closer to him and I lean my head onto his chest. We stand there for what feel like a century.
"It's so nice Jacob."
He doesn't reply instead he just squeezes my waist a bit harder.
"You know, you're the first person I've ever brought here."
"Really? I would of thought you would bring all you're girlfriends here."
He does a small laugh
" I don't know if anyone told you but I'm not really the dating type. I haven't had many girlfriends."  He says.
"Why not?" I ask
He doesn't answer. He's just staring up at the sky. I turn to look and him. He's still holding my waist. His eyes move from the sky to me. We both get lost in each other eyes. Finally his eyes move to my lips then back up. Then he pulls away.
"I'm In the mood for some fries." He says
"It's just you're luck Mr. Wilder. Me too."
He grabs my wrist and brings me back to the car. We get in buckle up and we are off to Mc Donald.
20 minutes later, we pull up into Mc Donald's.
Surprisingly the car ride wasn't silent. We actually talked and laughed. I honestly have no idea what happened back there at the forest. But I don't want to think about it tho.

We exit the car and we enter the restaurant. As soon as I take a step in. I go cold. I think Jacob can tell because he stops and stares at me.
"What's wrong?"
He then looks over at what I'm staring at. It's Patrick.

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