Chapter 10

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Saturday and Sunday flew by quickly. I studied a bit and I hung out with Tessa. She told me a lot about the mysterious boy she met at the bar. She won't tell me his name tho.

I haven't talked to Jacob a lot this weekend but we texted a few times.

Me and Tessa have plans to go dress shopping tonight because there is a dance at school she is forcing me to go to. And I don't wear dresses. No way I am wearing a dress. They are so uncomfortable. But. As always. Tessa is forcing me to wear one. She says it's a big deal and everyone goes. She says a lot of boys ask girls to go apparently. I think that's stupid.

I hear my phone ding on my dresser so I grab it and see a notification on my screen.

Tessa: Hey Summer! I'm so excited for dress shopping tonight. Aren't you!?

I stare at my phone. With a death stare. Literally. I feel like throwing my phone to the wall. She knows I hate dress shopping. A lot. Just dresses in general.

Today I feel like going to school lazy. So I get up and throw on white and grey sweat pants and I throw on a baggy black shirt. I tie the shirt with an elastic so it doesn't look to big. I keep my black hair down in it natural loose curls as usual. I grab my school bag then I'm out of the door for school.
Once I pull up to the schools parking lot I see a banner that says "Dance?" Hanging from the roof. Wow I guess Tessa wasn't kidding this is a big deal. People are already asking other people to go.

I find a parking space and I get out of the car and walk towards the schools entrance. I'm interrupted as a tall figure stops in from of me. I look up and I see a boy with dirty blonde hair and green eyes. I stand there for a moment. Just staring at him expecting him to realize and move out of my way. Seriously what's his deal.
"Umm can you like move?!" I ask trying to slide by him. He moves so I can't go by him. He has a grin on his face
"You're a friend of Ryan and Jac right?" He asks
"That's none of you're business, who the hell are you. Oh wait I don't care. Bye."
I pierce him a bit with my shoulder as I move pass him. I don't look back. I have to be honest he was pretty good looking. Tall and muscular but not to muscular.

I'm walking down the school hallway. Lots of eyes on me. What's going on. It looks like everyone is staring at me. Do I had something on my face. I see Tessa at her locker then I grab her wrist.
"What the hell is going on, why is everyone staring at me?!" I ask
"You don't know? Apparently every one herd about you and m. Wilders sleep over."
Oh shit.
I feel like I'm going to faint
I grab Tessas wrist tighter and I drag her in the direction of the washroom but right as I'm about to turn into it I get cut of. A blonde haired blue eyes girl is now standing in front of me.
"Hey new bitch. You probably don't know who I am... well I own this school And Jacob. I herd about you're little sleep over with my boyfriend. Well I want yo-"
I cut her off
"Holy shit am i on mean girls or something. Wow."
By then there is a crowed around us.
"And for you're information nothing happened in between me and Jacob." I say loudly.
"I don't believe you. I want you to stay away from him! I'm warning you!" She's screaming now
"Do you want me to show you where you're ass belongs because it certainly doesn't belong in you're personality."
I hear "OUSSS" in the crowed and laughter.
Her face gets so red it funny. She looks supper pissed. She stands there staring at me for what feels like a century. But at this split second she jumps towards me. I but my hands in front of my face getting ready for her to pounce on me. But. She doesn't. I open my eyes and there's a tall figure standing in front of me guarding me from her.

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