Chapter 11

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I can't tell who it is at first.
"Charlotte you need to calm down."
I guess the girls name is Charlotte. She is still trying to get to me.
"Leave Summer." I hear the none identified person say. I stand and stand there crossed armed. It's Jacob.
"Go!" I hear him now shouting at me.
I angrily grab my bag from the ground and walk pass him. I knock him with my shoulder as I go by. I can hear Charlotte screaming from here. Wow.

I get to my first class. History. Yay. We are talking about the... i don't even know I'm not really paying attention. My phone pops up a notification.
Jacob: Come into hallway. Now.

Even if I'm kinda pissed at him from getting involved in me and Charlottes fight, I wanted to see what he wanted.

I walk out of class telling my teacher I had to go to the bathroom. Once I am in the hall there is no one there so I start walking right. Suddenly a hand reaches out and grabs my wrist and pulls me into a room.
"What the hell"
I turn to face the person who literally threw me in here and of course it's Jacob.
"Sorry." Hes wearing an expressionless face not revealing any feelings.
"What do you want?" I ask directly getting to the point.
"What the hell happened back there with Charlotte."
"That's none of your business or you're concerned." I cross my arms.
"Listen to me stay away from Charlotte she's crazy"
"Lucky for her I'm even crazier." I reply.
"Seriously don't-"
"I'm fine! I was always fine! I can handle myself! I don't need you being my babysitter!"
"Clearly you need help because Charlotte back there was about to hop on you before I came in."
"Unbelievable" I turn to walk out of the room. But before I get the chance to I feel him grip my wrist and he pulls in quickly, in result me against his chest and us face to face. We are like that for what feels like a minute until he's the first one to talk.
"Stay away from Charlotte. For me?" He says in the softness tone I have ever herd him speak in. I analyze him for a second before leaving the room with not another word.
The rest of the day went by fast. I was trying to ignore Jacob the most as possible. I got about a million texts from him but I didn't reply to any of them. During lunch I always caught him glancing at me.

Now it was time for me and Tessa to go dress shopping. Yay. Great. Fun. Nope not really. Whatever.

I grab my stuff from my locker and head to the schools exit as fast as possible. Once outside I start heading towards my car since I agreed to drive me and Tessa to the mall but I glance over at my car and of course Jacob is leaning up against my car on his phone. I stop walking and as soon and i do hes head snaps up and meets my eyes. Shit. I stand there starting at him awkwardly when suddenly I hear Tessa walk up behind me. Thanks you Tessa. I turn to  her and ask
"Her can we take you're car?"
She looks over at Jacob and grins
"Sure it's this way."

Sorry that this story was shorter. I will be posting a lot more. Thanks for reading!

The new bad girl falls for for bad boyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora