Chapter One

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~Delerious's POV~

"Hey! So me and my dumbass friends are gonna make a gc. Would anyone like to join? Honestly its about anything. All fandoms and that shit ig. But hmu if you want to join?"

I looked at my Twitter feed to see what was buzzing today. Someone named Evan was starting a group chat. I went on his page to see who he was, and saw he was a youtuber.

"God he's cu- NO! Jon you can't get attached. Not again. Plus he probably has a girlfriend or something." I said to myself.

I was a small youtuber, not more than about 2,300 subscribers. I didn't care about fame, I just did it because it was fun. I'm known as PsychoticGamer. I'm known for my crazy laugh and I'm known for my crazy heart. What people don't know, is that I'm actually crazy. It tears me into two.

"I wanna join, but should I? Should I risk my insanity breaking loose?" I thought to myself. "Uhggg, fuck it."

I soon replied, asking if I could join.

"Hey! Would you mind if I joined?" I asked.

"Nah man! Lemma add you real quick" He replied quickly and I saw at the top of my screen, Evan has added you to "Kunt"!

I was excited to meet new people. I didn't really go out of my way to meet people, I'm just an introvert. But maybe that would change....

~Vanoss' P.OV.~

Today I made a group chat on Twitter with a lot of my friends. I tweeted out about it asking for people to join and almost instantly got a direct message from someone.

"Hey! Would you mind if I joined?" he asked.

"Nah man! Lemme add you real quick" I responded.

I wonder if he and I will become friends. He seems nice. What am I saying? I've literally only said seven words to him. He could be a complete asshole for all I know. I always do this. I assume the best of people and I am sometimes blind to the darkness in them. Seeing only the best in them is always what gets me hurt. I need to start seeing people for who they really are because, at this rate, i'm going to lose my mind.



*Evan added Jonathan*

MiniLaddd: Who's the new guy?

Jonathan: I'm Jonathan but just call me Jon! It's a pleasure to meet you all!


Oh my god. Jonathan. What a beautiful name. I bet he's really handsome.


MiniLaddd: Assuh brah? I'm Craig! People usually call me Mini though!

Evan: Hey Jon! I'm Evan! Just call me whatever though!

Moo: Hello Jon! I'm Brock! You can call me Moo!

tOoNz: Oh hey Jon! I wasn't expecting to see you in this gc!

*Jonathan changed their username to Jon*

Jon: Oh hey Luke! I really wasn't expecting you to be here either!

Scotty: Henlo Jon! I'm Scotty. Just call me Scott. So, you and Luke know each other?

Jon: Yeah. We've known each other for a few years now.

tOoNz: Jon is a pretty cool dude. Y'all will really like him!


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