Chapter Seven

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~Jon's POV~

We walked over towards the laughing bunch. They were mostly focused on themselves and not, on trying to find us.

Marcel had olive coloured skin, brown eyes and brown, fluffy hair. Brock was tall, he was pale and had blue eyes and light brown hair. Scotty was a but shorter than Brock. He was white, light brown, fluffy hair, and blue eyes.

Evan went up to them first to talk to them. He was cute as he went up to them, dodging their flying hands.

"Marcel? Brock? And... Scotty?" He said to them. Making sure that they were who we were looking for.

"Yep. Evan?" Marcel said back to him.

"Yeah. And Jon is over there." Evan said pointing to me.

I blushed a bit at the sudden interactaction. I waved to them a bit and smiled warmly. "Hey guys!" I said awkwardly chuckling.

Evan seemed to turn back towards them after I laughed. The three stooges startef throwing looks at eachother and surprised words I couldn't quite make out.

"Oh Jon, you should probably come over here." Brock said to me.

"How come?" I asked, still doing what he asked me.

"So you're not left out. And so I don't have to tell anymore to talk to you."

"Oh yeah, that would be reasonable." I chuckled and rubbed the back of my neck. I stood to the right of Evan so I was closer to the guys.

The awkwardness soon disappeared as we started talking.

A few times my hand brushed up against Evan's and each time my face got red or I started stuttering.

"Jon?" Scotty said to me. I was zoning out and he noticed it.

"O-oh hey. Was I spacing out?" I asked.

"Yeah a bit, can I ask you something real quick?"

I was surprised when he asked this, but I soon nodded my head. "Uh sure." He took me outside Starbucks and stood in front of me.

"Do you like Evan?" He asked me.

It was a weird question, and I don't know how I felt about it. Yes, but no? No? Or yes? I have no idea.

"Uh, I actually don't know," I didn't want Scotty to know I was thinking about if I liked him or not. "how wrong you could be." I laughed and he laughed but studied me.

"You sure?"

"Yeah I'm sure." I said confidently.

~Evan's POV~

Both of them went outside and I shrugged like it wasn't a big deal, even though I was curious about what was going on.

I heard Jon laugh from outside and looked over there.

"Evan?" Marcel said to me, pulling my attention back to them.

"Oooo Evan has a crush." Brock said to me. My face got red as I denied it.

"No, no no no. I do not like Jon." I smiled, and tried to make it look like I was sure of it. That I was telling the truth.

"Huh, 'ok'." Marcel said to me.

I saw Jon walk through the door and I smiled at him.

Butterflies are weird right? You get them for different reasons, mostly from being nervous, stressed or scared. They come around and help you identify those feelings.

But when you're excited, it's a different type of butterfly. This one brings adrenaline and dopamine out of you and shows the feeling.

When you like someone though, it's a different feeling. You can't stop smiling and you laugh and its not just the butterflies that go badshit crazy, its your heart lurching up into your throat and doing backflips. It's the feeling of appreciation and nervousness and everything in between.

And Jon makes me feel all of that.

All of the nervousness and excitement. All of the butterflies, and all of the crazy heartflips.

Fuck I do like him.

"Hey Evan." Jon said as I realized I was staring at him.

"H-hey sorry. I didn't realize I was-"

"Staring at me. You at least enjoy what you see?" I punched Jon's arm and laughed with him.

His laugh gives me butterflies, and I don't think he could ever do anything that would make these butterflies go away.

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