•FOUR•~"Diagon Alley"

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I woke up surprised to see that i was still in my 'room'. Last night i convinced myself that i was just dreaming. I stood up and took a shower remembering that me and my mother is going to the place of my dreams. Diagon alley.

After i finished, i went down the stairs all dressed up and ready to go.I found my mother near the door the same as me.

"Oh there you are Aris, i was about to wake you up but you were already taking a shower. Come On lets go we can find a place to eat at the Diagon Alley." she said already walking out the door with me trailing behind.


We arrived at the Leaky Cauldron and we wasted no time to go to the Diagon Alley. As we arrived, i couldn't believe my eyes. I was at Diagon Alley, the place where every Potterheads wished to go to. The very place where i dreamed of going to every single day. I was so happy that i almost cried.

Mother turned to me and said "Aris why don't you go explore the place? I'll go get your supplies alright? Here's money if want to buy something okay? We'll meet  at Gringotts, im sure you know where it is?" i nod my head and she gave me a small kind of heavy sack of wizard money then she left.

I took a look at all the galleons and sickles, happy that it's all real.

I first went to Ollivanders to get my wand, i was so excited and nervous at the same time. When i arrived, i look around the place in awe, i didn't even notice Mr. Ollivander there until he cleared his throat.

"Mr. Ollivander, it's nice to finally meet you. My name is Polaris and im here for my-a new wand please?" i tripped over my words remembering that i am a witch and i should of gotten my wand before.

"Ah yes, broke yours i assume? i remember a young child buying a new one because he said he accidentally stepped on it, shame actually, it was a very beautiful wand." he said with a smile.

"Oh yes, but i tapped it too hard on the table that it snapped in half actually." i said with a nervous smile.

"oh well i think i just got a perfect wand for you." he said while disappearing somewhere. He came back with a box, he opened it and handed it over to me.

" It's wood is Maple with a Dragon Heartstring core, 12 inches with a supple flexibility." He said gazing into it. As soon as  my hand came grab a hold of the wand, a warm feeling came over me and a cold wind went around me.

"It's perfect dear, it chose you." he smiled kindly and i quickly paid for it. I left the shop with a sigh. "Well that was quick" i said just as someone bumped into my back. I turned around to scowl at the person but before i could say anything he spoke first.

"Hi there sorry about that i didn't quite see you" he said with a mischievous or goofy smile i guess.

"Oh it was alright im Polaris by the way." i said kindly and held out my hand for him to shake.

"Im Leonidas, Leo for short. Are you a student at Hogwarts because i don't remember seeing at all" he said with a confused look on his face and shook my hand.

"Oh no i was a student at Beauxbatons before, im transferring at Hogwarts because my mother and i left france. What year are you in?" i said slightly hoping that he's the same year as me.

"Im at sixth year actually, im a Ravenclaw, how about you?" he replied

"I am too actually, and i still have to get sorted when i get there." i said to him while he nodded in understanding.

"well, that's great! Do you need guidance when you get there? we could go to classes together ya know?" he asked me politely.

"of course that will be great actually, i wont have to worry about being awkward at making friends." i said grateful for his kindness.

"Yeah it's no problem, I'll see you on the train then? DONT BAIL ON ME OKAY" he said walking away though he said the last part loudly as he was far away.

I laughed and began to look for my mother. When i found her, she was standing near Gringotts holding different bags. "Hey mother how did you get my robes? wasn't i supposed to be measured?" i asked her. "Oh it's a long explanation dear, come on let's go it's beginning to get dark. We'll apparate back home okay?" she said with an outstretched arm, i hesitantly took it as it was my first time apparating.


When we got back home, i quickly went to lay down on my bed to sleep.

I was so exhausted and happy from that trip to Diagon Alley.

I cannot wait for Hogwarts.

The Mysterious Ravenclaw | The MaraudersOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora