•SEVEN•~"The first day and Heart eyes"

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Polaris woke up by herself in her dorm. She sat up from her sleeping position with a yawn whilst stretching her limbs. She did her morning routine and went down down the stairs and found Leo waiting for her.

"There you are,i was starting to think that you died in your sleep, unfortunately you didn't" Leo said in a jokingly manner.

"Shut up before i kill you in your sleep" Polaris said grumpily. Leo only laughed and the two began to make their way to the Great Hall.


Remus Lupin sat with his friends who's planning their 'first day prank'. Remus wasn't listening into the conversation for he was looking for a certain girl.

Polaris walked in with her nose stuck on a book. She wanted to learn as much as she can to catch up on her subjects. Even though she knows enough because of her obsession about the wizarding wolrd before. She even get higher grades when she takes quizzes at Pottermore compared to her grades in real life.

Remus sat up straighter as if trying to get a better view of her. The Marauders noticed their friend's lack of attention.

"Moony! hey Moony!" Padfoot tried to get his friend's attention only to notice he was staring into something or rather somebody.

The other two noticed this and they all turned to follow their werewolf friend's gaze.

It was directed to one and only Polaris Cameron.

"I think Moony loves someone other than chocolate lads."Prongs said and sirius and peter laughed loudly causing Remus to snap out of his trance.

"Is our Moony inlove? Is he about to become Prongs too? Oh Merlin please don't tell me you're going to bother her like Prongs does to poor Lily." Padfoot said patting Remus' back, their gazes still on Polaris.

"hey Aris, the marauders are looking at you" Leo said nudging his friend.

"What? are you sure?" polaris asked panicking and blushing at the same time.

"Yeah lass, i mean all of them are"

Polaris turned around and as soon as she caught them all staring at her, they quickly looked away.

"that was strange"she said turning back on her book.

"Looks like you're in for a ride Aris" Leo said chuckling.

"what do you mean?" polaris asked confused.

"The last time that they were all staring at some girl was when James Potter fell inlove with Lily Evans mate, looks like you're cursed too."Leo said with an amused smile on his face."Do invite me on your wedding yeah? make me a godfather too will ya?"

Polaris closed her book and smacked Leo.
"You bloody idiot! don't tease me again with those troublemakers or i swear on merlin you will regret that."

"okay okay i was only joking don't get too excited about it." Leo said laughing like a madman.

Professor Flitwick approached them and gave them their timetables.

"Oh bloody hell we have so many subjects with Gryffindor." Polaris said nervously.

"well that's destiny helping me Aris do you know what i mean?"

"i do not know what you mean and i don't want to, i assume it's just one of your idiotic assumptions anyway"polaris shot back

"Oh dearie you just broke my hear"Leo said dramatically putting his hand over his heart.

"come on let's just get to class, we have potions with Gryffindor."


Arriving at the Potions classroom, Leo and Polaris sat at the table with extra four stations.

"welcome sixth years tod-"

Professor Slughorn was  interrupted by four boys arriving late.
"sorry we were late professor, we kind of got lost" polaris rolled her eyes at the lame excuse.

"Ten points from Gryffindor each of you. Now sit down with Miss Cameron and Mister Theosar will ya?

polaris groaned inwardly as the marauders made their way at their table.

"as i was saying, today we will be brewing Amortentia, anybody what it is?"

Polaris, Remus, and Lily raised their hands."uh yes miss cameron"

Polaris didn't expect Professor Slughorn to choose her so she kind of panicked.

"It's a love potion sir, though it does not create love more like an infatuation or obsession, it smells different to each person and it makes you smell things based on things that you're attracted to."
she explained nervously as she was aware of the people staring at her, especially the marauders.

Leo gave her a high five, she accidentaly made eye contact with Remus and he shyly smiled at her. She blushed gave him a shy smile also before looking away

"excellent Miss Cameron, fifteen points to Ravenclaw!" Slughorn said looking satisfied. "open your books to page 394 and you will find your necessities there."

"I'll set it up and you go and get the ingredients alright?" polaris suggested.
"of course be right back"

after they were all set they all started working on the potion.Polaris, due to her obsession with learning all about the wizarding world before finished earlier than expected with the help of Leo(who is quite smart might i add) and her enthusiasm.

Remus, who was working with Peter couldn't focus on the  potion as he was studying Polaris. He couldn't help but get intrigued by the girl.The three noticed this and nudged Remus to get his attention. Remus turned to them.

"Oi mate stop staring at her she isn't the potion"peter said with a snicker

"Yeah Moony she might melt under your intense gaze."Sirius said winking at Remus.

"stop being so bloody ridiculous."was all Remus said before going back to work.

Professor Slughorn examined Leo and Polaris' finished product and clapped proudly."Oh my! its the perfect brew! one sniff of this you'll be head over  heels! excellent Mister Thesaurus and Miss Cameron, thirty points to Ravenclaw! tomorrow we will be smelling this example and write down on which scent you'll smell, class finished everybody"

Polaris laughed at the way Slughorn said Leo's surname wrong.

"shut up Miss Cameron" Leo said amused and angry at the same time.

As they were walking out of the classroom, Polaris grabbed Leo and hurriedly left in order to avoid the marauders.

"bloody hell Moony you're inlove!" exclaimed Sirius while laughing loudly.

"yeah mate you looked like me every time i see Evans"James said laughing along with Sirius

"will you nutheads let it go?" Remus said grumpily."Never" replied the two, peter only gave Remus an apologetic look.

Remus sighed and walked with his friends to the Defence Against The Dark Arts  classroom

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